After discussing the rules amendments at the Sweepstakes meeting, the following has developed as v2. It looks like it will be put to vote next week. The big differences are that instead of increasing fines for chores violations, the fines will be transfered to the account of the org that covers the chores. So, as in last weekend, CIA’s drivers would have earned the team a free day of bagels and juice.

Second thing is that the fall sweepstakes meeting would be held at least one week earlier, but not necessarily the week after races. Discuss it *here*!

Full text of the rule proposals:

Draft 2, Proposed Fines change (addition in red):

3.4 Disciplinary Actions
3.4.1 Fines
Organizations may be fined by the Sweepstakes Advisor, the Sweepstakes Chairman or the Safety Chairman for violations of any of the rules and regulations specified in this document. The dollar amount of these fines is usually called out in the rule or regulation invoking the fine. Organization(s) that perform a chore assigned to another organization will have the assessed cost transferred into their Sweepstakes deposit. Transfer and distribution of these fines is at the discretion of the Sweepstakes Chairman and/or the Sweepstakes Advisor.

Other fines, not listed within these rules, may be specified and imposed by the Sweepstakes Advisor or the Sweepstakes Chairman in response to continued negligence on the part of organizations or any need that may arise. In such a case, the conditions for and the dollar amounts of those other fines must be made known to the Sweepstakes Committee members before any of those fines are imposed.

Draft 2, Proposed Election Rules Change (addition in red):

3.3.3 Initial Organizational Meeting
One week after the sweepstakes races conclude, the departing Sweepstakes Committee is required to hold Chairmenʼs meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to elect a sweepstakes Chairman, an assistant Sweepstakes Chairman, and a Safety Chairman for the next school year. Should a new Committee fail to be elected, an organizational meeting of the Sweepstakes Committee shall be held before September 8th each school year. The organization that sponsored the winning entry in the previous school yearʼs Sweepstakes races shall be responsible for scheduling, publicizing, organizing, and supervising this meeting.

Original Election Rules:
3.3.3 Initial Organizational Meeting
At the beginning of each school year an organizational meeting of the Sweepstakes Committee shall be held. The purpose of this meeting is to elect a Sweepstakes Chairman, an Assistant Sweepstakes Chairman, and a Safety Chairman for that school year. This meeting should be held before September 15th each school year. The organization that sponsored the winning entry in the previous school yearʼs Sweepstakes races shall be responsible for scheduling, publicizing, organizing, and supervising this meeting.