Last night, a historic 2 hour conference call marked the peaceful transition of power from the founding committee of the Buggy Alumni Association to the 50% newly elected committee that will lead us forward into 2011.

We covered administrative details of course, but we wanted to take this moment to step back and appraise our progress towards advancing the five goals stated in our mission.  The questions we asked ourselves were, “How have we done in our first two years?” and “What ideas do we have to keep things moving forward?”

Preserve and make accessible the history of the sport
Grade so far : B+

Efforts so far
–  Created a database of buggy history, solicited data, and put it on the web
–  Created an online gallery of pictures and solicited pictures from the university and alumni
–  Helped to promote and facilitate the now-perennial History of Buggy presentations

Ideas for 2011
– Improve the integration between media and history [enable tagging of people / buggies]
– Create a data entry back-end so that new data can be quickly included and not sit in a queue
– Make it easier to contribute pictures and video
– Offer to help digitizing analog pictures and video
– Look into a physical space to archive buggy memorabilia

Provide a channel by which alumni can remain connected to and support the sport
Grade so farA

Efforts so far
– Started our cmubuggy forum
– Published regular updates on buggy news
– Published  in depth members updates at critical times of the year
– Hosted a raceday reception at which everyone could shoot the shit
– Ran the “lead truck auction

Ideas for 2011
– Distribute rolls report labor more by encouraging other local alumni to contribute observations
– Announce data collection projects to fill specific gaps in our history files

Support and improve undergraduate participation
Grade so far : C+

Efforts so far
– New team mentoring (DTD, KKG-ZBT, Beta)
– Appearances at sweepstakes meetings (introductions and safety reminders)
– Pro-buggy promotional materials sent to newly enrolled students and freshmen
– Increasing the visibility and awesomeness of buggy (e.g. website, jumbotrons)

Ideas for 2011
– Improve “What is buggy” section on website
– Buy ads at mcconomy movies to show buggy highlights, recent buggy news
– Warner Hall waiting room looping buggy promo video (maybe team up with buggy documentary folks)
– Buggy 101 / annotated version of the rules / online buggy glossary  to decrease the knowledge based barriers to entry

Improve relations and raise interest in the greater Pittsburgh community
Grade so far : D+

Efforts so far
– Influenced the pro-PR training of course flaggers at rolls
– Website may draw some outsider traffic?
– “What is buggy” section on website may help to inform some folks

Ideas for 2011
– Work with Sweepstakes to get more respectable and informative “Road Close” signs for rolls
– Promote the job skills developed in buggy to TOC/BOC recruiters by publishing and distributing 1 page flyer before the event
– Improve “What is buggy” section on website
– Invite the local celebrity to Carnival 2011 and give him / her a lead truck ride
– Coordinate earlier in the year with CMU media relations to solicit more outside press

Unite alumni across organizations
Grade so far : A+

Efforts so far
– Started our cmubuggy forum
– Making buggy a year-round interest for a wider audience
– Hosted a raceday reception at which everyone could shoot the shit

Ideas for 2011
– Facilitate more exhibition race challenges between alumni

We are, of course, dying for any feedback you’ve got about any of the above.  What are some of your favorite things we’ve done in the last 2 years?  What things can you not believe we haven’t done?

One thought on “State of the BAA report – 2 years in”

  • I’m surprised that we haven’t moved more towards raising interest outside of Pittsburgh. I’d think that the BAA would be able to get support from buggy-like industries. Plus it would be nice if buggy drivers could get reciprocity for driving in, oh, say, the Ultimate Division of the All American Soapbox Derby Race.

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