Sweepstakes is making and selling a run of driver-specific tank tops, and they were nice enough to ask if any alumni or other cmubuggy.org readers would like one while the order is going in.
Click on the thumbnail to take a look at the full design.
- On pre-order now for $11
- expected to arrive in 2 weeks
- specify size: women’s S or women’s M
- can be picked up at rolls or mailed to you
- email sweepstakes chair, Jess Thurston to order –> jessicathurston532@gmail.com
Carl says:
Interesting that sweepstakes has gone all pro-life with it’s marketing. Can I get one that says ‘Push Harder!’ instead?
Nic says:
Ooo, sign me up for one of the pusher shirts!
jess thurston says:
so we actually are thinking of pusher and mechanic shirts too…maybe not that say ‘push harder’…but…I’ll keep that in mind? one shirt I want to make is “My girl finishes in 2 minutes” and “raceday 2010” on the back…inappropriate??
Carl says:
I dunno if ‘my girl finishes in 2 minutes’ is less suggestive than ‘push harder’… ;)
Mechanics shirt?
Buggy Mechanic
No Life
No Diploma
No Regrets
Might not really capture the ‘you should do buggy!’ vibe though, hehe.