> CMU has decided “homecoming” is way too mainstream for a campus that spends more time pushing small women down hills than we do watching our football team. Get ready for some Céilidh. I still can’t pronounce it, but it does seem to be drawing some extra energy into what was once a pretty dull event on campus. It’s still about the alumni, and we are the Buggy Alumni Association, so we’re stepping up our game…
Without further ado, the lineup of exciting events for the very first Céilidh weekend, Saturday October 29th (that’s next weekend, not this weekend)
- Fantasy Buggy. That’s right, the NFL’s got it, the MLB’s got it, (I think the NHL must have it, but I’m not sure anyone plays), and now we’ve brought it to buggy. Whether you’re going to be in town or following along from home, fantasy buggy is your chance to get rich off buggy for the first time. We’ve got a cash prize on the table and if you can pick the fastest rolls of the day, it’s all yours. Details coming out first thing tomorrow. Make your picks between tomorrow and Friday the 28th, times collected on Céilidh.
- Mini-mini-Raceday. Sweepstakes is also putting up some TBA prizes for the teams that can put down the fastest times on Sept 29th. This year’s committee has decided to up the ante by offering prizes for men’s and women’s times, but also for the best downhill and backhills times. Should make things interesting.
- Free BAA Coffee and donuts. Come out for rolls on Céilidh Saturday and find the BAA alumni table at the top of hill 2. If you’re in town and you’re going to come out to rolls once this semester, make it Céilidh. We’ll hook you up with some snacks and good fantasy buggy trash talk.
- Actual breakfast at rolls. The Exchange (formerly Ginger’s Deli (formerly The Fluted Mushroom)) will be open during rolls in anticipation of the larger than normal crowds. Stop by and get some egg-and-cheese sammiches, etc.
- History of Buggy. Tom Wood will be giving his critically acclaimed account of the history of buggy. Come on by Rangos I & II, University Center from 2:00p – 3:30p to get yourself educated.
- BAA Membership & Info table. This probably isn’t too exciting if you’re already reading the website, but we’ll be out tabling from 11:30-3:30 in the UC. Stop by and say hi!
This is shaping up to be a pretty alright homecoming, so for real, if you’re in town and you’re thinking of coming out sometime, make it this weekend, and we’ll see you out there.