This idea has been in the works for a while, but now it’s happening, and just in time. When we helped introduce Jumbotrons to the course in 2009, it was a fun experiment. Now it’s practically a necessity. Can you imagine not being able to see what was going on in the chute while you’re at hill 2? Actually, most of you probably can because you were around before 2009, but I think we can agree it’s a pretty awesome addition.
The only problem is that Jumbotrons and other pro-spectator efforts like our printed Raceday Guide don’t come cheap. A pair of jumbotrons for the weekend is in the neighborhood of $10k. Printing 2,000-3,000 color copies is more than most people can pull off on the sly at work. We’ve kicked in $1,000 each year from our Lead Truck Auction, and Alumni Relations has contributed, but much of the rest has basically just put Sweeptakes into the red each year. That’s not sustainable.
Luckily, raceday is an exciting event with lots of eyes from high quality demographics, and we think that there are lots of companies out there who would love to help support buggy and be part of such an important event at CMU. We will be introducing a number of sponsorship opportunities this year for the first time, and we hope your company wants a piece of the action. Most notably, both jumbotrons will have sponsorship banners flanking the screen, and our printed raceday guide will carry sponsored logos.
Some of the spaces are already sold, but we’re looking for more support. Download this PDF and show it to someone in your company who makes these decisions. It briefly explains what buggy is and has rates for the different placement options.
You might notice that raceday is not that far away and that we need commitments even sooner (2 weeks from today!). We realize corporate decisions don’t always happen this fast. We hoped to have this together quite a while ago, but it’s our first time in this arena. If your company loves the idea but can’t make it happen, we understand. If you can make it happen … awesome, let’s do it!