Welcome back for another exciting Rolls Report installment. This weekend we saw the debut of a new team and the return of an old so our buggy family is growing bigger and bigger! Sweepstakes was a bit of an odd tri-generational mish mash with Jake missing and Tishya still broken. Willy Clark (last year’s Assistant Chairman) was a real hero and stepped up to fill in for Jake. And I gave Tishya a HAND (badum tss) with her Safety Chairing duties. There was of course the addition of Bingo (Diya’s dog) to this weekend’s Sweepstakes Committee, tagging along in the safety vehicle when things got RUFF (I’m on fire today).
Also it has been brought to my attention that I have been misspelling PiKA’s buggy’s name. I apologize for the error and will make sure Cleeyona is spelled properly in future rolls reports.

In Attendance
Org | Sunday |
AEPi | Kamikaze |
Apex | Phoenix, Firefly, Solaris |
CIA | Equinox, Tempest, Emperor |
DG | Brazen |
Fringe | Boson, Blueshift, Bumper, Blind Faith |
PhiDelt | Argo |
PiKA | Raptor, Cleeyona |
SDC | Avarice, Vice, Vanity |
SigEp | Barracuda, Hydra |
Spirit | Inviscid, Kingpin II, Zuke |
Observations (Sunday Gallery)
AEPi has returned to the course! AEPi has been on a buggy hiatus, but brought Kamikaze back out of retirement. Unfortunately, Kamikaze’s front hatch, had other plans and AEPi’s first roll of the year came to an early end shortly after the Hill 2 push off. They then scratched for the rest of the day to work out their hatch attachment issues.
Apex was getting buggies out fast and efficiently and it nearly brought a tear to my eye to hear an Apex pusher yell at SDC mechanics to get out of THEIR way. Something I never thought I’d experience. Although, it looks like Firefly has a boo boo from this picture. Get better soon, Firefly!

CIA got a few rolls in without any issues and it looks like Emperor got a haircut from the previous week.
DG made its debut appearance at rolls this weekend and (sort of) got their first roll ever in. Sorority Delta Gamma is the first of this year’s new teams to successfully get out onto the course. DG got some rolls experience with sister and PiKA driver, Katy trying out their buggy, Brazen (a loaner from Fringe). Their first roll was a little too slow to make it through the chute unassisted, but Brazen proudly made it around in the next.

Fringe is safe from my sass and criticism this week.
PhiDelt and AEPi flaggers were running a little late and drove down behind Spirit’s follow car in the first roll. However, they seemed a little confused by the concept of flagging as both flaggers were still in the car after driving around. Don’t worry, they eventually got to their positions.
Argo had a more serious accident when it jumped onto the curb and into a sign post just before the transition flag. The driver was alright, but needed to be extracted and the team scratched for the rest of the day. We hope to see them out and around the course next rolls!
PiKA was feeling a little antsy about not getting enough rolls in (especially with their driver spending so much time in Brazen) which led to a few complications later on. Chairmen from all teams were confused and upset by the sight of a lone Pike buggy taking over and rolling in DG’s place from some miscommunication issues. Needless to say, Pike did not get that roll counted, but rolls were able to continue on without any delays.
SDC was out, with Vice, Vanity, and Avarice (that’s a lot of v’s) getting in a roll in all three cycles on Sunday.
SigEp had a minor accident just past the Westinghouse memorial where Barracuda spun and hit the curb. It happened so quickly that their follow car didn’t notice and drove past, leading to some confused Radio Club members alerting Sweepstakes of the missing buggy. Judging by those rather large chunks that came off, Cuda will need some bodywork, but no major components were damaged.

Spirit seemed to have an uneventful but productive day at rolls, getting two to three rolls in each of their buggies.
We had a great turnout this Sunday for parents weekend, so I’d just like to thank all of the families and alumni that attended rolls or any of the other Scotty Saturday activities (including Tom Wood’s talk or the tabling). Thank you for all the support!
Rumor of the week:
The Sweepstakes Assistant Chairman, Jake, was mysteriously absent this weekend. Word on the streets is that he got into business with some bad people and was kidnapped. Luckily, Sweepstakes was able to use all of PhiDelt’s fine money to get him back in time for the Chairmen’s meeting Monday night.
Ignore this

Ignore this
Stay tuned for the next rolls report and any buggy related updates!
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Rolls Report Contributors:
Jasio S.
Ben M.
Ethan G.
Jerry Carlson (CIA RD10-RD14) says:
Lol, calling Brazen “a loaner from Fringe” is like calling a classic Corvette “a car from Chevrolet”. Technically true, but it overlooks the fact that this is the buggy that won Sweepstakes in 2001.
Was the current driver even alive when Brazen first rolled?
also technically true says:
Buggies age poorly (see: Freyja, Ascension, Orca, Impulse). Classic Corvettes tend to stay in the garage for a reason. No one overlooked anything.
wEre yOU eVen [out of elementary school] whEn BrAZen fIrSt RoLLeD
the cook says:
Its all fun and games! Second car incident in as many weeks. The warning signs are there, ban the cars from the course.