The application window for Spring 2024 Buggy Enhancement Grants is closing Sunday night! This is your last chance to submit your application before rolls. Get your application in early, and take a well deserved nap Sunday afternoon. If you have any last minute questions or would like someone to proofread your proposal, please reach out to any BAA Officer on Discord!

Submit your grant application here!

For more information about Buggy Enhancement Grants, including tips from the committee on how to strengthen your grant proposal, the actual text of previously approved grant applications, how to access shared resources from previous grants, and how you can support this program, please read All About Buggy Enhancement Grants!

The committee’s initial review is scheduled for Thursday, Sept 19. Applicants should expect to receive their initial feedback and any questions from the committee by Thursday evening. The final voting is scheduled for Thursday, Sept 26, and we expect for the committee’s decisions to be sent out that evening.

Thank you to everyone who already submitted their application!

Submit your grant application here!

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