The Buggy Enhancement Grant Committee, and the BAA have two new options for teams that would like additional financial support.

If your team has not rolled a new buggy in the past 4 years, the BAA will reimburse up to $500 of build related expenses. This applies to new and ongoing builds. Reach out to Diya Nuxoll <> if you are interested in taking advantage of this funding!

Existing buggies have been granted up to $200 for improvements to the harness attachment system. This Buggy Enhancment Grant includes funds for 10 buggies, with the option for some discretionary funding for tools and bulk purchases. Reach out to Wade Gordon <> if you are interested taking advantage of this funding.

Even if neither of these apply to your team, reach out to the BAA Teams Committee if you would like help finding sustainable sources of funding for your team, need advice to support your build, or need to find an extra set of hands for a critical work session.

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