After 2 weeks of Nominations, it’s high time we elect some new officers to the BAA!
Skip ahead and VOTE NOW!
We have short statements for all contested positions, and if you forgot, here’s a quick reminder of what’s happening.
This year we have a few contested, a few no-contest races, and an open position. All terms are for two years with potential for one re-election to the same position. Each position is looking for at least 5 votes or votes of confidence, contested positions require a simple majority after 5 votes. Additionally, each position will have a write in option.
- Communications: Aileen Dinin
- Head Reporter: Natalie McGuier
- President: Ben Matzke
- Webmaster
- Madison Scott – I am currently the head driver for Fringe and will be graduating next month with a BS in ECE. Throwing myself head first into big projects is something I really love to do. Seeing as the website could use a little TLC, I’d be more than happy to take on this position and make the website more reliable and user friendly.
- Krishan Taylor – Hi everyone, I’m Krishan! I’m a former member of Fringe, and I’ve been working on and leading web development teams since graduating from SCS in 2010. As Webmaster, I’m going to make our online experience more mobile friendly, give the website a more modern look, and roll out some new raceday tools, in addition to making the usual bug fixes and security updates. I look forward to hearing your suggestions on how else I can improve our website.
- Team Outreach
- Ethan Gladding – I originally joined on with what remained of Pioneers and I fell in love with Buggy. I have been a Pusher, Mechanic, Amateur Machinist, Assistant Chairman, and all around enthusiast. After Pioneers folded in the Fall of 2011 I worked with the school administration to transfer Pioneers resources into the fledgling Apex buggy and stuck around to help them build their first buggy. This year I helped operate the buggy safety net as a member of W3VC-Radio Club. I also have been assisting the Buggy Alumni Association by providing notes for the roll-reports. I’ll be staying in the city after graduating and would be honored to represent the BAA. Making buggy more accessible has always been a goal of mine. All sport is weird and arbitrary, but buggy takes it to the nth degree and that makes it special.
- Edward Cao – Hi, I’m Edward and I was the Sweepstakes Chairman for Raceday 2016, I was a pusher and push captain for SDC Buggy, and also am a brother of Phi Delta Theta and helped procure them Perun and get their buggy program started with the help of KDR alums and Sweepstakes. I think I’d be a natural fit for this role given my experience with Sweepstakes and helping Phi Delt start their buggy team. I am still in contact with a good number of current students and recent alums such that I would be able help new or prospective teams connect with knowledgeable alumni for guidance. Furthermore, I’d be happy to help out with the publications that the BAA puts out.
- Treasurer – This position manages our financial reports, organizes our membership roster, and coordinates the Lead Truck Auction.