Rolls Report: April 2 – More snow and no spins

This past weekend we had our last regular day of rolls before Truck Weekend. That means Carnival is just a little more than a week away! Have you registered for things? More importantly are you a member of the BAA? If you want to receive the Raceday Preview, donate $10 to the BAA and become a member!

9 teams and 22 buggies were able to roll only on Saturday because Pittsburgh missed the memo about it being April, and snow again thwarted Sunday rolls. We are happy to report that there were no spins or unexpected stops on Saturday, which bodes well for safety on Raceday. There was one unexpected event when two fire trucks entered the course to investigate an alarm in/near Scaife Hall. They only hung around for 15 minutes before it was decided that there wasn’t actually a fire. All-in-all it was a fairly quiet day of rolls. Our alumni were out and taking timing data again this weekend. Tomorrow we will be able to post those speeds.

Some of the biggest news, that many have already heard, is that a new team has joined the buggy ranks. After having yet another alcohol incident at their house, the All Greek Community Standards Board (AGCSB) ruled that PiKA may not participate in buggy this year. As far as we understand the ruling, the punishment was restricted to buggy and the frat is allowed to join in other campus activities. After appealing to that board with Sweepstakes and some others, it was decided that Fishing Club, which includes several PiKA brothers, may participate in Raceday. The majority of the new team is not allowed to be PiKA brothers and the drivers must qualify as if they had not previously rolled this year, including capes and pass tests. From what we understand, rolls from the weekend of March 26 are going to count towards their qualification.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi  Kamikaze
Apex  Phoenix, Ember
CIA  Tempest, Icarus, Equinox, Impulse
Fringe  Bolt, Beacon, Bissa
PiKA  Raptor
PhiDelt  Perun
SDC Malice, Havoc, Avarice, Bane
SigEp Pandora, Kraken
Spirit  Inviscid, Fuko, Seraph, Zuke

Observations (Saturday Gallery)

    • AEPi – Kamikaze was out and rolling this Saturday trying to get in those last few rolls to qualify the team’s second driver for Raceday. This was very much a rebuilding year for AEPi, and while they were unable to get a new buggy rolling this spring, they made good strides and have built up some foundational knowledge. Kamikaze is certainly not among the fastest buggies on the course, but we did see smooth and consistent chute turns.
    • Apex – Mostly rolling Phoenix this weekend, Apex is making a final push to get all 3 of their drivers qualified for Raceday. We saw a brief appearance of Ember for what appeared to be pass test purposes only. Phoenix wasn’t breaking any speed records, but was executing solid clean lines through the chute. Here’s to hoping they find some more speed during truck weekend.
    • CIA – CIA was clearly working on their Hill 3 pickups this week. Both Icarus and Equinox were regularly getting rollouts to the fire plug, but don’t seem to have reliable strategy for transitioning to pusher power. Impulse wasn’t getting quite as impressive rollouts, but the Hill 3 pushers had an easier time taking over. Tempest, the newest member of the CIA fleet, is starting to pick up some speed and was making to the emergency phone box midway up Hill 3. The team remains among the top 5 in Freeroll speeds, but is one of the few that retains that speed through the chute. With just one weekend left, CIA will likely be focusing on perfecting their Hill 2 send offs and Hill 3 pickups.
    • Fringe – Fringe continues to have one of the best overall performances for rolls. The team again was among the top 5 in terms of Freeroll speeds, scrubbed little speed through the chute, consistently has great lines, and the Hill 3 pushers are managing smooth pickups. Bissa was getting great rollouts up to the fire plug, Bolt was making it to the emergency phone, and Beacon was coming in third amongst the team for rollouts. The only thing that wasn’t particularly smooth for Fringe on Saturday was that during one roll the tape holding Bolt’s fairing came loose and it dragged on the pavement throughout the roll. It was promptly secured. At this stage in the game, Fringe is looking extremely competitive and just needs to keep doing what their doing, but faster.
    • PhiDelt -Perun had a relatively uneventful day of rolls, completing clean chute lines and working on picking up some more speed. She did lose a rear hatch on one roll, but that issue was quickly resolved. The PhiDelt pushers might be a little optimistic about Perun’s rollouts, as they kept trying to pick her up midway on Hill 3, and ended up running down hill to meet her. The team has come along very well this year and their hard work is taking tangible shape.
    • PiKA Fishing Club – Fishing Club was out and rolling with Raptor (borrowed from PiKA) this Saturday. At the moment both drivers and both Raptor and RD16 need pass tests to qualify for Raceday. The team change hasn’t slowed down Raptor, and she continues to dominate in the Freeroll. While she loses some speed through the chute, she is still one of the fastest buggies hitting Hill 3, and is getting rollouts to the bike rack in front of Porter. Equally as impressive was the woman who was iron-manning some beastly Hill 1 & 2 combos. Given the restrictions on how many PiKA brothers can be on any given push team, it seems that the only thing holding back Fishing Club will be their back hill performance. Next week should be very telling. Despite how much promise the team is showing with only 2 weekends of rolls under their belts, we wonder if the team will be able to come to the day 2 of Raceday. Opening day of PA trout season is Saturday April 16th.
    • SDC – SDC also had a stellar day of rolls. As per usual, they were one of the top 5 fastest teams rolling and were scrubbing little speed through the chute. All 4 buggies were getting great rollouts ranging between the emergency phone and the fire plug on Hill 3. Most of the SDC drivers continue to take a tight line into the chute, but go quite wide once within the hay bales. This had previously been thought to be an old habit to avoid a now-paved pothole, but may have more to do with shedding enough speed to maintain control of the buggy during the turn. Regardless, SDC is a force to be reckoned with on the course and will be amongst the top contenders come Raceday.
    • SigEpKrait Kraken and Pandora were both out and rolling this weekend. Pandora is as loud as ever with one alum in the chute likening her to a B17 bomber. While SigEp hasn’t been looking so fast, we know from previous years that something magical arrives (wheels) for them on truck weekend and we can expect to see an explosive speed boost from them.
    • Spirit – Spirit has really bloomed this spring and had some of the fastest Freeroll times and best Hill 3 rollouts of the day. It seems that the drivers are still trying to nail down their final chute lines as there was a fair amount of within and between buggy variability. Whatever they are doing, it kept them spin-free this weekend. Inviscid was getting some truly great rollouts (at leats to the fire plug) only to be met with lack luster pickups. The Hill 3 pushers were diligent though and by the end of rolls the pickup/transition was going much smoother. Assuming their pushers are anywhere near the caliber of years past, Spirit is going to be a top contender this Raceday.

Rolls Report Contributors:
Shafeeq S
Ben M

Rolls Report: March 26 & 27 – Two weeks until Raceday!

Spring was in the air this week and Pittsburgh finally let us have a nice full weekend of rolls. All 10 teams rolled at least one day and what’s more, we are happy to report that although there were a couple controlled stops, there were no spins or other accidents. This always great to see as Raceday rapidly approaches. We had a couple alumni taking times for max Freeroll speed and Chute times. We don’t as of yet have the data for you, but we will be posting the Freeroll speeds Thursday. To tide you over, we can report that the teams with the fastest individual Freerolls this weekend were (in descending order): SDC, Spirit, PiKA, CIA and Fringe. This is none too surprising given last year’s Raceday results.

Speaking of that glorious day that we’ve been looking forward to all year, be sure to check out the planned buggy-related events. You can find an interactive calendar of events here.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi  Kamikaze  Kamikaze
Apex  Phoenix  Phoenix, Ember
CIA  Tempest, Orca, Icarus, Equinox, Impulse  Icarus, Impulse, Equinox, Tempest
Fringe  Balius, Bissa  Balius, Bissa, Bolt, RD16
PiKA  Banshee, RD16  RD16
PhiDelt  Perun  Perun
SAE  Lucy  Lucy
SDC Malice, Havoc, Avarice, Bane  Malice, Havoc, Bane, Avarice
SigEp Pandora, Kraken
Spirit  Inviscid, Fuko, Seraph  Inviscid, Fuko, Seraph, Zuke

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: March 19 – Snowy Rolls

With last week being CMU’s spring break, we’ve been going through some serious buggy withdrawal for two weekends in a row. This past Saturday saw 7 teams and 17 buggies making their way around the course. After the first two teams rolled on Sunday, Pittsburgh decided that heavy snow was in order.  Given that no team currently has windshield wipers installed on their buggies, Sweepstakes called it and all parties returned home.  There are only 3 weekends left before Carnival, and it’s starting to get desperate for teams to be qualified to compete on Raceday. In the coming weeks, we will hopefully be seeing a strong showing from all the teams.

Unfortunately this week the BAA was unable to get the speed trap up and running, so there isn’t any timing data for last weekend. Given how close we are to Carnival, we should have everything setup for data collection in the coming weeks.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday Sunday
Apex  Phoenix
CIA  Tempest, Orca, Icarus, Equinox
Fringe  Balius, Bissa
PiKA  Banshee
SDC  Malice, Havoc, Avarice
SigEp Kraken
Spirit  Inviscid, Zuke, Fuko, Seraph

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Timing Data: Feb 28

This past weekend our intrepid alumni ran the new and ever improving speed trap to gather some very interesting data. The trap was set up just after the monument in the Freeroll, so the posted values should represent terminal buggy speed. Not all the buggy names have been matched to their roll, however rolls are listed in chronological order. We will update the buggy IDs as we figure them out. If you happen to know a given ID, please leave a comment so we can edit appropriately. Some rolls have two MPHs listed because two alumni were independently determining speeds.

We can officially say that PiKA, SDC, and Fringe were consistently the fastest buggies rolling on Saturday. This isn’t terribly surprising given the teams’ histories and what we saw last semester.

Sequence Team ID Movie ID MPH 1 MPH 2
1 CIA  Equinox 126 34.67
2 CIA Impulse 127 31.35
3 SDC Black 128 34.67
4 SDC Avarice 129 31.59
5 SDC Purple 130 33.12
6 Fringe Lt. Blue 131 35.89
7 Fringe 132 30.3
8 Spirit 133 33.12
9 Spirit 134 22.6
10 Spirit
11 Spirit
12 Pika Raptor 135 34.82 35.27
13 Pika Banshee 136 39.15 39.73
14 Apex Apex 137 16.14 16.15
15 CIA Equinox 138 34.38 34.57
16 CIA Impulse 139 31.71 32.31
17 SDC black 140 38.05 37.57
18 SDC Stopped after stop sign before Phipps crosswalk
19 Fringe Blue 141 36.86 37.99
20 Fringe Grey 142 35.57 36.39
21 Fringe Blue 143 33.95 33.89
22 Spirit Grey 144 34.23 34.57
23 Spirit Grey 145 30.41 30.86
24 Spirit Grey 146 31.96 31.14
25 Spirit Grey 147 31.47 31.14
26 Pika Raptor 148 35.11 35.64
27 Pika Banshee 149 38.59 38.84
28 Apex 150 23.71 23.84
29 CIA Equinox 151 34.38 33.89
30 CIA Impulse 152 33.12 32.31
31 SDC Black 153 38.96 39.73
32 SDC Avarice 154 32.6 32.61
33 SDC Purple 155 30.99 30.59
34 Spirit Grey 156 36.86 36.77
35 Spirit 157 32.99
36 Spirit 158 30.99
37 Spirit 159 32.21
38 Spirit 160 31.11
39 Pika Raptor 161 35.27 34.92
40 Pika Banshee 162 38.96 39.28
41 Apex 163 25.1
42 CIA Equinox 164 35.57
43 CIA Impulse 165 32.47
44 SDC Black 166 36.2
45 SDC Avarice 167 33.95
46 SDC Purple 168 32.34
47 Fringe Blue 169 38.41
48 Fringe Grey 170 35.42
49 Fringe Blue 171 32.86
50 Spirit Grey 172 34.23
51 Spirit Grey 173 30.3
52 Spirit into hay bales 174 31.23
53 Spirit Stopped in chute due to wreck
54* Pika Raptor 175 34.52 34.57
55 Pika Banshee 176 35.57 35.64
56 Apex 177 26.74
57 CIA Impulse 178 33.26
58 CIA passing 33.12
59 SDC Black 179 38.41 38.84
60 SDC Avarice 180 33.53
61 SDC Purple 181 32.73
62 Fringe Blue 182 38.78
63 Fringe Blue 183 33.81
64 Spirit 184 35.57
65 Spirit 185 32.09
66 Pika  Raptor 186 36.36
67 Pika  Banshee 187 37.53
68 Apex 188 26.39
69 CIA Equinox 189 37.02
70 CIA Impulse 190 32.99
71 SDC Black 191 38.05
72 SDC Avarice 192 33.95
73 Fringe Blue 193 37.53
74 Fringe Blue 194 33.81
75 Pika Raptor 195 35.57 36.39
76 Pika Banshee 196 36.86 37.57
77 CIA Equinox 197 36.2 37.57
78 CIA Impulse 198 34.82 35.27
79 SDC Avarice  Missed
80 SDC Purple 199 31.71 32.01

Rolls Report: Feb 28 – Another Minimum Quorum Day

Weather prevented rolls this Saturday, but buggies were out rolling Sunday with far fewer Uber cabs and fire trucks. The Speed Trap system was out again and after some slight modifications was performing much better than last weekend. One improvement was implementation of additional cameras to test accuracy of the speeds gathered. The results are promising. Tom Wood and Ben Brown have compiled all the collected data, although it has not yet been labeled by buggy. You can find the unlabeled data in its own post tomorrow. So far it looks like PiKA, Fringe, SDC, and CIA are taking the top spots. No surprise, given last semester.

Despite the rapidly approaching Raceday, only a handful of teams are coming out. Buggies were rolling this weekend with a minimum quorum. Those teams that did come out collected nearly half a dozen rolls each.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday Sunday
Apex Ember, Phoenix
CIA Impulse, Equinox
Fringe Balius, Bissa, Beacon
PiKA Banshee, Raptor
SDC Malice, Havoc, Bane, Avarice
Spirit Inviscid, Zuke, Fuko, Seraph, King Pin

Observations (Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: Feb 20 & 21 – First Day of Spring Rolls

This past weekend marked the first rolls of the spring semester (the earliest start in a few years!). Thanks to last week’s ice storm, the City of Pittsburgh had excessively salted the roads. The extra seasoning coupled with dampness caused a late start on Saturday. After some vigorous sweeping the teams started off the semester quite smoothly with a comfortable weekend of rolls.

The much anticipated speed trap was set up just past the monument where it can be completely out of the way of traffic. Data is, of course, not particularly useful since first day hiccups are still being worked out and most buggies started out bagged. Importantly, the system got the live tests it needed so that its operators can begin to dial in the accuracy.

The most exciting non-buggy related event of the weekend occurred when an Uber driver blew through the bridge barricade. Although the police officer on duty attempted to stop him, the driver just raced past to the inner barricade outside of Phipps. Never before have we seen such a determined Uber driver nor such an embarrassed passenger.
On Saturday, a firetruck also pulled up to the outer barricade, but without an emergency on the other side, they were calmly directed the long way around.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday Sunday
CIA  Impulse, Orca, Icarus, Equinox Impulse, Orca, Icarus, Equinox
Fringe  Balius, Bissa, Beacon Balius, Bissa, Beacon
PhiDelt  Perun  Perun
PiKA  Banshee, Raptor Banshee, Raptor
SDC  Malice, Havoc, Bane, Avarice Malice, Havoc, Bane Avarice
Spirit  Inviscid, Zuke, Fuko, Seraph, King Pin Inviscid, Zuke, Fuko, Seraph, King Pin

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: Nov. 21 – Last Day of Rolls

This past weekend marked the end of rolls for the fall semester. Frosty nights and finals mean that buggies settle in for their winter naps and the elves come out to finish builds in time for the spring semester. Although the previous weekend saw every team out, far fewer were came out this weekend. On Sunday, only 4 teams committed to rolling and Sweepstakes canceled rolls.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday Sunday
Apex  Ember, Phoenix
CIA  Impulse, Icarus, Ascension, Orca
PhiDelt  Perun
PiKA  Banshee
SDC  Malice, Havoc, Addiction
SigEp  Kraken, Pandora
Spirit  Inviscid, Zuke, Fuko, Seraph

Observations (Saturday Gallery) Continue reading

Mini Raceday Alumni Data Dump

As you probably already knew, this past weekend was the very exciting Mini Raceday Weekend. We posted the official Sweepstakes freeroll and backhill times, but thanks to the efforts of a couple of our more dedicated alumni, we have bonus data! Specifically we have the calculated speeds just before the chute and at the fourth window of Porter Hall.

The columns represent the speed of the buggy entering the chute (Chute), speed at the fourth window of Porter (Window 4), and whether or not the buggy needed to be pushed before the fourth Porter window.

Official BAA Times 

Team Roll Buggy Chute (mph) Window 4 (mph) Pushed
PhiDelt 1 Perun 25.6 11.9 P
PiKA 1 Banshee 35.9 17.1
PiKA 1 Raptor 27.7
SigEp 1 Kraken 30.3
AEPi 1 Kamikaze 27.1 9.7 P
Apex 1 Phoenix 22.7 9.7 P
CIA 1 Equinox 33.7 16.2
CIA 1 Icarus 31.6 13
CIA 1 Orca 29.8 9.1 P
CIA 1 Ascension 23.6 9 P
SDC 1 Malice 35.2 15.8
SDC 1 Vice 31
SDC 1 Havoc 30.5 9.8
Fringe 1 Bissa 34.1 13.4
Fringe 1 Beacon 12.5
Fringe 1 Balius 10.8 P
SigNu 1 Krait 30.7 11 P
Spirit 1 1 33.9 12.7 P
Spirit 1 2 28.3
PhiDelt 2 Perun 24.2
PiKA 2 Banshee 35 15.7
PiKA 2 Raptor 28.1
SigEp 2 Kraken 30.3 10 P
SigEp 2 Pandora 17
AEPi 2 Kamikaze 26.5 9.2 P
Apex 2 Ember 27.6 10.7 P
CIA 2 Equinox 31.1 11.6
CIA 2 Icarus 31.7 12.7
Orca 14
CIA 2 Ascension 23.8 8.1
CIA 2 Impulse 27.2 10.5 P
SDC 2 Malice 35.1 16.1
SDC 2 Vice 31.5 11.9
SDC 2 Havoc 30.4 10.9
Fringe 2 Bissa 33.6 13.7
Fringe 2 Beacon 33.7 12
Fringe 2 Baleus 28.9 9.3 P
Spirit 2 1 33.2 15 P
Spirit 2 2 30.9 11.1 P
Spirit 2 3 30.7
PhiDelt 3 Perun 24.5
PiKA 3 Banshee 35.2 17.1
SigEp 3 Kraken 27.2 7.2 P
AEPi 3 Kamikaze 26.9 8.6 P
Apex 3 Phoenix 30.5 11 P
CIA 3 Equinox 33.3 16.4
CIA 3 Icarus 30.4 11
CIA 3 Orca 28.4 9.6 P
SDC 3 Malice 34.8 15
SDC 3 Vice 32.8


The take home points are:

  • PiKA is the fastest downhill and back up
  • SDC is 2% slower than PiKA on the downhill, but 3rd fastest uphill
  • CIA is another 4-5% slower than PiKA on the downhill, but depending on the buggy are between SDC and PiKA going back up
  • CIA, Fringe, and Spirit have almost equal downhill speeds, but Fringe and Spirit are scrubbing speed in the chute.
  • Spirit’s down hill times would suggest a greater rollout than they are getting


Speeds were calculated by capturing video using a Nikon 1 series camera, all of which have the ability to take 640 x 240 movies at 1200 frames/sec. The cameras can only record 3 seconds at that speed, so the time it takes a buggy to pass between nearby landmarks (e.g. pairs of trees or parking spot lines) can be precisely measured. After some scouting, our intrepid alumni found useful spots on the course where every buggy takes more or less the same path. They placed the camera where every buggy could be filmed with the same perspective. Each frame is a normal 2D image, so objects in the background remain stationary. This allows you to open the movie in your video editing software of choice and note the time at which the nose of the buggy reaches each landmark. If the distance between the landmarks is known, the time can be converted to a speed.

For comparison, Sweepstakes uses the FinishLynx system on Raceday, which is typically set to take a 1000 x 1 image 1000 times/sec. The finish line software then assembles a series of these 1D lines into a distorted 2D image, where the horizontal axis is time. If you know the length of the buggy, you can tell when the nose and tail cross the finish line and convert that into a speed, however you can only observe one line. The system is optimized to calibrate its clock to real life and not vary much. This allows for accurate split times by placing a camera at each split point. The internal clocks used in consumer-quality cameras are not as accurate, so even though we used multiple cameras focused on different physical locations, we cannot correlate events in each well enough to get useful split times.

More work is needed in calibrating against either another measurement method or something of known speed before comparing speeds obtained our way with other sources, or, for that matter, with historic times. Regardless, comparing 2 teams on the same day should be safe – the systematic errors should affect everyone equally. The video files used to generate these times will be made available on for the viewing pleasure of all interested. 

This fabulous data is brought to you through the ideas and efforts of Shafeeq Sinnamohideen and Tom Wood.


Rolls Report: Nov. 14 & 15 – Mini Raceday!

This was a great weekend for buggy: fair weather, clean(er) roads, and Mini Raceday. If you are reading this post you are probably already familiar with the concept of Mini Raceday and all that it entails, but if you stumbled upon through a fluke of the internet, let us explain (because we wouldn’t want this to be the confusing post). Despite what the name implies, extra small buggies with Thumbelina-sized drivers did not zip around the course this weekend. What actually happened was that freeroll (crosswalk to Hill 3) and backhills runs were timed by Sweepstakes and others (Ed the Sweepstakes chair, Guochen ass’t chair, and Matteo a SDC mechanic). The organizations with the fastest men’s and women’s teams then receive bragging rights, congratulatory back slaps, and a fabulous mystery prize from Sweepstakes. This year the fastest freeroll went to PiKA, fastest men’s backhills to SDC, fastest women’s backhills to CIA, and fastest overall time to SDC. The prize has yet to be announced by Sweepstakes. Probably because they don’t know what it is yet. The times are summarized in a table at the bottom of the report. In the end, the point of Mini Raceday is to simply get an official gauge of where the teams stand at this point in the year. However a lot can happen in the spring semester.

Mini Raceday excitement aside, it was an all-around good weekend of rolls. Saturday 6 teams made it out; 7 if you count Robobuggy. We only had one stop on Saturday which was due to a flagging malfunction, and there were no other incidents. Sunday saw all 11 teams rolling, many with a large fleet. Obviously this was to get timing data on as many buggies/drivers as possible, but it did slow things down a bit. Sunday was a fairly clean day. One driver had a spin at the top of the freeroll, but both driver and buggy were uninjured. Also, one SDC driver had a slight issue with one chute turn, but came to a complete stop before any collisions.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi  Kamikaze
Apex  Ember, Phoenix Ember, Phoenix
CIA  Impulse, Icarus, Ascension, Equinox Impulse, Orca, Icarus, Ascension, Equinox
Fringe  Balius, Bissa, Beacon Balius, Bissa, Beacon
PhiDelt Perun
PiKA  Banshee, Raptor Banshee, Raptor
SDC  Malice, Havoc Malice, Havoc, Avarice
SigEp  Kraken, Pandora Kraken, Barracuda, Pandora
SigNu Krait
Spirit  Inviscid, Zuke, Fuko Inviscid, Zuke, Seraph
Robo  Transistor Transistor

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: Nov. 7 & 8 – Leaves and Speed

After 3 weeks of no or singular days of rolls, we finally had a glorious full weekend of rolls. 11 teams, several bicyclists, and a few joggers made their way around the course over Saturday and Sunday. While the latter two weren’t exactly welcome, they didn’t impede too much in the grand scheme of things. However, a couple of the bicycles made it to the chute flaggers before anyone noticed. Active flaggers are, of course, looking the other way, but perhaps the non-active flaggers should keep an eye out for unwanted visitors. More than course-intruders, an excessive amount of leaves near the chute turn caused a significant delay in the roll order on Saturday. The first four teams to roll must have had negative things to say, because after the fourth team there was an all-hands-on-deck effort to clear the leaves from the turn. For 30 minutes rakes, brooms, blowers, feet, and stop flags were used to free the road of leaves. Annoyance of the leaves aside, the teammate was great to see.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze  Kamikaze
Apex  Ember Ember
CIA  Impulse, Orca, Icarus, Ascension, Equinox Impulse, Orca, Icarus, Ascension, Equinox
Fringe  Balius, Bissa, Beacon Balius, Bissa, Beacon
PhiDelt  Perun
PiKA  Banshee Banshee
SDC  Malice, Havoc, Vice Malice, Havoc, Vice, Avarice
SigEp Kraken, Pandora Kraken, Pandora
SigNu Krait
Spirit  Inviscid, Zuke, Fuko Inviscid, Zuke, Fuko, Seraph
Robo  Transistor Transistor

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading