Rolls Report: Sept 22 – First Rolls of 2013-14 Season!

First Rolls this year almost didn’t happen. Saturday couldn’t go since sweepstakes was unable to secure the permit. Sunday started out a bit wet with a light drizzle, but after a couple false starts, rolls got underway. For the first day of rolls and crappy conditions, Sweepstakes did a great job as no one crashed or spun out. This could be because it was the first day and everyone was taking it easy, but requiring bags on every buggy every roll certainly didn’t hurt.

I  was actually unable to attend rolls this Sunday, so in my stead, former safety chair Jake Reid took the notes that I will be sharing in this report. If anyone else has notes they would like to add, or pictures to upload, please send us an email at and upload your pictures to the gallery! This post may get updated as more notes reach me.

UPDATE: I’ve gotten some additional notes from former Apex Chairman Connor Hayes which have been added to the observations section.

There will be no rolls next weekend (even though it’s Ceilidh) because of the Great Race on Saturday. Instead, come check out Tom Wood’s “Evolution of Buggy” presentation that will be happening on Saturday at 2-3 in the UC, Peter/Wright/McKenna room and root on those Tartans!

In Attendance  (Red indicates failed drops)

Org Sunday
AEPi  Kamikaze
Apex  Phoenix
CIA Orca, Ascension, Freyja
Fringe Beacon, Bissa, Bedlam, Banyan
SDC Vice, Malice, Rage, Psychosis
SigEp Mamba, Barracuda
SigNu N/A
Spirit Kingpin II, Zuke, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko

Observations (Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: April 13 & 14 – Truck Weekend

The time has come, Raceday will soon be upon us and teams are in the home stretch. Buggies are qualified, Heats to be selected and prep is to be made for Friday this week when everyone will hit the course and compete for the trophy. Going into truck, Many teams were missing rolls or even pass tests, but everyone put the pedal to the metal and with a little help from Sweepstakes managed a staggering amount of rolls. The teams that were all missing pass tests were able to grab them on Saturday, leaving only one real past test on Sunday, but several accidental passes.

Lead Truck Auction is on its way: For those of you who have been wondering, we are in fact doing the lead truck auction again this year. Heat selections are tonight, so the bidding will be ready to go tomorrow morning. More info later in this article.

Raceday Preview: This report will not be nearly as comprehensive as previous weeks since we will be coming out with our famed members only Raceday preview. So make sure you check out this page for more information on how to become a member and be sure to check out the membership roster if you think you already donated this year.

Site Issues and Updates: I try and pride myself on being timely with these reports, but because you all have been so awesome in uploading your fantastic pictures, we ran out of room and had to pull a quick shuffle to get us enough space for what is sure to come this week. So I apologize for this being later than usual, but with all that’s coming out this week, I’m sure you’ll forgive us.

In Attendance

Key: Qualified | Short on Rolls

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi  Kamikaze
Apex Phoenix  Phoenix
CIA Impulse, Orca, Ascension, Freyja, Quasar Impulse, Orca, Ascension, Freyja, Quasar
Fringe Beacon, Bissa, Bedlam, Banyan Beacon, Bissa, Bedlam, Banyan
PiKA RD2013, Chimera RD2013, Chimera
ROTC Shrek Shrek
SAE Lucy, Rubicon Lucy, Rubicon
SDC Vice, Bane, Avarice, Malice Vice, Bane, Avarice, Malice
SigEp Kraken, Mamba, Peregrine, Barracuda Peregrine, Barracuda, Pandora
SigNu Bungarus Krait Bungarus Krait
Spirit Kingpin II, Zuke, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko Kingpin II, Zuke, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: April 6 & 7 – Picking up Speed

We’ve come to the last weekend before truck, which means there will not be a full Rolls Report next week. Instead all BAA members will receive the members-only Raceday preview. So if you haven’t done so yet, now is the time to become a member. Check out this page for more information on how to become a member. Be sure to check out the membership roster if you think you already donated this year.

With a disappointingly slow weekend to end March, April brought us what we have been waiting for and a small taste of what’s to come in under two weeks. There were still a few incidents, but sweepstakes picked it up over last week and was far more efficient at getting people off the course and keeping rolls on schedule. This weekend had pass tests a-plenty which, when combined with some very fast rolling buggies made for many exciting moments in the chute.

This was also the first weekend that we had every org out both days. Everyone is feeling the pressure, and there is no time left to take a day off. Drivers have been getting qualified, but there are still many that need a few rolls here and there, or haven’t yet been able to complete the pass test.  It will be a scramble going into truck weekend as teams try and qualify their remaining drivers.

In Attendance

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze  Kamikaze
Apex Phoenix  Phoenix
CIA Impulse, Orca, Ascension, Freyja, Quasar Impulse, Orca, Ascension, Freyja, Quasar
Fringe NBXIII, Bissa, Bedlam, Banyan NBXIII, Bissa, Bedlam, Banyan
PiKA RD2013, Chimera RD2013, Chimera
ROTC Shrek Shrek
SAE Lucy, Rubicon Lucy, Rubicon
SDC Vice, Bane, Avarice, Malice Vice, Bane, Avarice, Malice, Rage
SigEp “Dora”, Peregrine, Barracuda Mamba,  Peregrine, Barracuda
SigNu Bungarus Krait Bungarus Krait
Spirit Kingpin II, Zuke, Haraka Kingpin II, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: March 30 & 31 – Slow Goings

After finally starting rolls last week, Teams were getting back into the swing of things. Everyone was rolling well, but it seems like teams are getting in a semester’s worth of stops in these few weeks we have left. Despite the crashes, stops, wheel losses and other issues, most teams are still getting things done and already have a few combinations qualified for Raceday. We still have one weekend left before Truck weekend, here’s hoping teams can sort out their issues and become the lean mean racing machines they need to be.

In Attendance

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze
Apex Phoenix
CIA Impulse, Orca, Ascension, Freyja, Quasar Impulse, Orca, Ascension, Freyja, Quasar
Fringe Banyan, Bedlam NBXIII (BAMF), Bedlam, Banyan
PiKA RD2013, Chimera RD2013, Chimera
SDC Vice, Bane, Avarice, Malice, Rage Vice, Bane, Avarice, Malice, Rage
SAE Rubicon Rubicon
SigEp “Dora”, Mamba, Barracuda Mamba, Peregrine
Spirit Kingpin II, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko Kingpin II, Haraka, Fuko
No-Shows ROTC, SigNu AEPi, Apex, ROTC, SigNu

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: March 23 & 24 – Spring Start

For what has so far been a disappointing start to the year, Pittsburgh finally decided to cooperate and give us our first clear days of rolls.

Despite being incredibly cold, Rolls happened and come Sunday, some teams had already kicked it into high gear. Despite this, both days were a little slow going with some teams going slower than usual, and others having steering difficulties getting through the chute. Overall, everyone was excited to have rolls going again and with only two regular weekends left, teams will need to work hard to make sure everything is in tip-top shape for Raceday.

In Attendance

(The new roll count list hasn’t been posted, so this list might be inaccurate.)

Org Saturday Sunday
Apex Phoenix Phoenix
AEPi Kamikaze
CIA Ascension, Orca Impulse, B1r, Orca, Ascension
Fringe NBXIII, Bissa, Banyan, Bedlam NBXIII (?), Bonsai, Banyan
PiKA RD2013, Chimera RD2013, Chimera
SDC Vice, Bane, Avarice, Malice Vice, Bane, Avarice, Malice, Rage
SigEp PtE, Peregrine, Barracuda Pandora the Explorer, Peregrine, Mamba
SigNu Bungarus Krait Krait
Spirit Kingpin II, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko Kingpin II, Haraka, Fuko

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: One Month To Go

Alright, it’s not actually a rolls report, but there sadly haven’t been any rolls to report on… So here we are…

In the absence of anything to talk about rolls-wise I figure this might be a good time to talk about things that are coming up just a month from now. There’s not a whole lot set in stone just yet but I’ll share with you guys what I know.You could also think of this as a reminder to pay your membership so that we can keep doing the things that we do and so you ensure that you will get the comprehensive pre-Raceday guide recapping the year and giving you our predictions for Raceday. Continue reading

Rolls Report: Nov 17 & 18 – Fall Final

Sorry for this being a bit late, hopefully you’ll find this a relaxing break before you enjoy some thanksgiving feast.

It’s the last weekend of fall rolls and from what I can tell it was a flurry of activity both days. The teams will now have a chance to sleep in on the weekends instead of sleeping in the afternoons, and make up all those assignments they neglected. By assignments, I of course mean builds, and from what I hear, there’s the potential for several this year. Only time will tell who will come out with new buggies when.

I sadly wasn’t able to make it out on Saturday, but thankfully Stengel was able to snag some pictures for me to look at. Pictures were also posted from the weekend of the 11th

In Attendance

(Saturday roll counts weren’t posted so the buggy lists may be inaccurate.)

Org Saturday Sunday
Apex Phoneix
AEPi Kamikaze
CIA Orca, Ascension, Freyja, Firebird Orca, Ascension, Freyja, Firebird, Quasar
Fringe Bissa, Bonsai, Banyan Bissa, Bonsai, Banyan
PiKA Raptor Raptor, Chimera
SDC Bane, Avarice, Malice Bane, Avarice, Malice
SigEp Barracuda, Pandora Pandora
Spirit Zuke, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko Zuke, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko
No-Shows AEPi, DU, KapSig, ROTC, SAE, SigNu Apex, DU, KapSig, ROTC, SAE, SigNu,

Observations (Saturday GallerySunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: Nov 11 – Mini Raceday #1

Sorry for the delay, being on the opposite side of the earth, my times are a little messed up. I sadly was also not able to take any pictures this weekend. Anyone who was at rolls with a camera should send me all pictures they took so that I can add them to this report.

This was the first day of Mini-Raceday where I believe there is a second on its way (someone please check me on this). Times have not yet been calculated, but there was still plenty of excitement to go around.

Special thanks goes out to Jakes Reid and Rachel Johnson who were able to get me some fantastic notes for this week’s rolls report since I wasn’t able to take some in person.

In Attendance

Org Saturday
AEPi Kamikaze
Apex Phoenix
CIA Orca, Ascension, Freyja, Firebird, Quasar
Fringe Bissa, Bonsai, Borealis, Banyan
PiKA Raptor
SDC Bane, Avarice, Malice
SigEp Mamba, Peregrine, Barracuda, Pandora
Spirit Zuke, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko
No-Shows DU, KapSig, ROTC, SAE, SigNu

Observations (Saturday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: Nov 3 – Short

After two weekends of no rolls, many teams were excited to take advantage of the longest day of rolls thanks to the end of daylight savings. Unfortunately, the longest day is always preceded by the shortest day, which can always feel like a let-down for teams getting only a few rolls.

Unfortunately, Sunday rolls were called early due to weather, citing the precedent set from last year that rolls would not happen below freezing. While it is a little sad that rolls didn’t happen on the longest day of the year, it was nice to not be out in the freezing weather. Sadly this also means that I didn’t make it out to rolls this weekend, so thanks to everyone that I got info from to put this together, and sorry that there are no pictures.

As a note, I will not be able to attend any more weekends of rolls this year and I require volunteers to take notes and pictures so these can continue to happen in my absence. If you are interested in helping out, please email me at Students and Alumni are both welcome and encouraged to help out. The more information the better!

In Attendance

Org Saturday
CIA Orca, Ascension, Freyja, Quasar
Fringe Bissa, Bonsai, Borealis, Bedlam, Banyan
SDC Bane, Avarice, Malice
SigEp Mamba, Barracuda, Pandora
Spirit Zuke, Haraka, Fuko
No-Shows AEPi, Apex, AEPi, DU, KapSig, PiKA, ROTC, SAE, SigNu

Observations (No Pictures) Continue reading

Rolls Report: Oct 13 & 14 – First Double Header

This weekend we finally had the first combo with both Saturday and Sunday rolls. The people around the course also got to see just how bipolar Pittsburgh can be day-to-day. Saturday had temperatures nearing freezing and Sunday was a very pleasantly warm morning.

To follow the weather, the teams decided to match the weather and showed their own version of bipolar. There were no incidents on Saturday and having forgotten my tripod for the stream, I was able to get a lot of different pictures from around the course. The continuous rolling made the frigid morning a bit more bearable. With the warm weather on Sunday, teams seemed to lose their cool and we saw a few crashes and spins.

In Attendance

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi  Kamikaze
CIA  Orca, Ascension, Freyja, Firebird  Orca, Ascension, Firebird, Quasar
Fringe  Bonsai, Bedlam, Banyan  Bonsai, Bedlam, Banyan
PiKA  Raptor, Chimera
SDC  Bane, Avarice, Malice  Bane, Avarice, Malice
SigEp  Mamba, Barracuda, Pandora
Spirit  Zuke, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko  Zuke, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko
No-Shows Apex, AEPi, DU, KapSig, PiKA, ROTC, SAE, SigNu  Apex, DU, KapSig, ROTC, SAE, SigEp, SigNu,

Observations (Saturday Gallery – Sunday Gallery) Continue reading