Rolls Report: Sept 25 & 26

With clear skies and temperatures in the 50s and 60s, eight teams made it out and put on a good show for us spectators.  There were new drivers still meandering down the hill with a slew of bags, but also some vets putting down times that would be competitive in April.  Three buggies ended up in the bales, and some others got close enough they could smell the hay on the way by.
In Attendance (buggies listed newest to oldest)

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze Kamikaze
CIA Freyja, Renaissance, Firebird, Quasar Freyja, Renaissance, Firebird
Fringe Borealis, Bedlam, Blizzard Borealis, Bedlam, Banyan
PiKA Chimera, Knightfall, Zeus Chimera, Knightfall
Pioneers Chaos
SDC Avarice, Malice, Addiction, Rage Avarice, Malice, Addiction, Rage
SigEp Peregrine, Barracuda, Pandora Peregrine, Barracuda, Pandora
Spirit Seraph, Fuko, Haraka Fuko, Haraka

Observations (Saturday gallery | Sunday gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: First fall rolls 2010

Now that I’ve built some serious suspense by coming out with this report 4 days late, I hope it lives up to the hype.  Sorry for the delay, don’t get out of the habit of checking on monday mornings.  We’ll get back on schedule.

It’s an established fact now, electing the sweepstakes committee in the spring is the way to go.  In the past, a new committee would scramble to figure out what was going on through September and rolls would usually start sometime in the second half of October.  Last year worked well, but it could have been a fluke.  But for the second year in a row now, rolls have gone off without a hitch on the 3rd weekend of September.  It’s also worth noting that things weren’t just running, they were running smoothly.  Barricades were out; people were doing their chores or covering for others as needed; only the weather held things up.  The course was blanketed in some serious fog on Saturday that kindly dissipated so that CIA could take the first rolls of the year with some visibility.

In Attendance (buggies listed newest to oldest)

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze, Zephyrus
CIA Freyja, Renaissance, Firebird Freyja, Renaissance
Fringe Borealis, Banyan, Blizzard Borealis, Banyan, Blizzard
PiKA Nemesis, Chimera, Knightfall, Zeus Nemesis, Chimera, Zeus
SAE Rubicon
SDC Malice, Rage Avarice, Addiction, Rage
SigEp Peregrine, Barracuda, Pandora Peregrine
Spirit Fuko, Haraka Seraph, Fuko

Observations (Saturday gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report – April 3 & 4

SigEp's Barracuda on Hill 3The carnival weather was out already for the last weekend of rolls before truck weekend.  Temperatures were in the low 60s on Saturday and low 50s on Sunday to greet the 14 orgs ramping up to raceday.  The list of incidents is long compared to the details about who is doing well, but don’t let that fool you, it’s just easier to note the mishaps.  Many of the mid-tier teams are making serious charges towards competing for trophies, and the regulars are quietly perfecting their skills and building their teams.  Every roll is being timed and reviewed.  Every transition matters to pushers old and new.  It’s almost raceday.

In attendance (spring 2010 buggies, qualified w/ at least 1 driver)

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze, Aether, Zephyrus Kamikaze, Aether
Beta Problem Child
CIA Conquest, Firebird, Quasar, Renaissance Conquest, Firebird, Quasar, Freyja
DTD Bethany Bethany
Fringe Banyan, Blizzard, Bantam, Borealis Banyan, Blizzard, Bantam, Borealis
KKG / ZBT Volos Volos
PhiKap Schadenfreude, Svengali, Celerity Schadenfreude, Svengali, Celerity
Pioneers Chaos
PiKA Chimera, Nemesis, Zeus, Knightfall Chimera, Nemesis, Zeus
SAE Rubicon Rubicon
SDC Malice, Psychosis, Rage, Avarice, Envy Malice, Psychosis, Rage, Avarice, Envy
SigEp Barracuda, Pandora, Peregrin Barracuda, Pandora, Peregrin
SigNu Skua, Bungarus Krait Skua, Bungarus Krait
Spirit Haraka, Fuko, Kingpin Haraka, Fuko

Observations (Saturday gallery, Sunday gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report – March 27 & 28

SDC at the finishWe’ve only got 2 more days of rolls and truck weekend for teams to get their act together before raceday.  If any of that gets rained out, we could be in for some real slapstick come raceday.  Last weekend’s assortment of chute incidents actually looked mild compared to the number of ways teams found to interrupt their freerolls this weekend.  That said, there was plenty of action in the new buggies / wheel testing / going fast domain to keep the high-brow fans entertained.

In attendance (spring 2010 buggies, qualified w/ at least 1 driver)

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze, Zephyrus, AEPi2010 Kamikaze, Zephyrus, AEPi2010
Beta Problem Child
CIA Firebird, Renaissance, Freyja Firebird, Renaissance, Freyja, Quasar
DTD Bethany Bethany
Fringe Banyan, Blizzard, Borealis Banyan, Blizzard, Borealis
PhiKap Schandenfreude Schandenfreude, Celerity
Pioneers Chaos Chaos
PiKA Chimera, Nemesis, Knightfall, Zeus Chimera, Nemesis, Knightfall, Zeus
SAE Rubicon
SDC Malice, Envy, Avarice, Psychosis Malice, Envy, Avarice, Rage
SigEp Barracuda, Pandora Barracuda, Pandora, Peregrine
SigNu Skua, Bungarus Krait Skua, Bungarus Krait
Spirit Haraka, Fuko Haraka, Fuko, Kingpin

Observations (Saturday gallery, Sunday gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report – March 20 & 21

AEPi 2010Two days of genuine good spring weather (45-50°F and mostly sunny) provided the first real weekend of rolls, and the teams made it an exciting one.  With three new buggies and enough incidents in the chute to make a driver blush, it took extra long to sort out and write about here at headquarters.  Our apologies for the delay, we plan on sticking to Monday mornings in the future.

In attendance (2010 buggies)

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze, Camo, AEPi-2010 Zephyrus, Kamikaze, AEPi-2010
Beta Problem Child Problem Child
CIA Firebird, Renaissance, Freyja Freyja, Quasar, Conquest
Fringe Bedlam, Banyan, Bantam, Blizzard Bedlam, Banyan, Bantam, Blizzard
KKG / ZBT Volos Volos
PhiKap Schadenfreude, Celerity
Pioneers Chaos Chaos
PiKA Chimera, Nemesis, Zeus Chimera, Knightfall, Zeus, Nemesis
SAE Rubicon Rubicon
SDC Malice, Psychosis, Envy, Rage, Avarice Malice, Psychosis, Envy, Rage, Avarice
SigEp Barracuda, Peregrine Pandora, Barracuda, Peregrine
SigNu Skua, Bungarus Krait Skua, Bungarus Krait, KoS
Spirit Haraka, Fuko Seraph, Haraka, Fuko

Observations (Saturday gallery, Sunday gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report – First rolls of 2010

I was starting to think it would never happen, and even Sunday morning I don’t think the teams were sure it was really going to happen, but rolls have started for the semester.  It only took 6 weeks from Sweepstakes’ ambitious first shot at rolls, but buggy has overcome one of Pittsburgh’s snowiest winters ever.  Only four orgs made it out due to it being the second weekend of spring break, but it was all of the expected hardcore teams, SDC, PiKA, Fringe, and AEPi.  Wait, AEPi?  Yep, they’re one of the hardcore teams as of now.
In Attendance
Org Buggies
AEPi Zephyrus Kamikaze
Fringe Bedlam, Banyan, Blizzard
PiKA Chimera, Knightfall
SDC Avarice, Envy

Continue reading

Belated Rolls Report 11/21 & 22

An out of town conference and the holidays got in the way of our timely publication of the last rolls report of the fall, but better late than never right?  For posterity, here’s a quick summary of what happened November 21st and 22nd …

In attendance

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Camo, Kamikaze, Zephyrus Kamikaze, Zephyrus
CIA Firebird, Renaissance, Quasar Renaissance, Quasar
DTD Bethany Bethany
Fringe Bedlam, Blizzard, Bantam
KKG / ZBT Enigma
PhiKap Svengali
Pioneers Chaos
PiKA Chimera, Knightfall, Nemesis, Zeus Chimera, Knightfall, Nemesis, Zeus
SDC Malice, Envy, Rage Malice, Envy, Rage
SigEp Pandora
SigNu Skua

Observations Continue reading

Rolls Report – Mini Raceday

It’s hard to say whether buggy has been lucky or unlucky with regard to weather this year.  They’ve gotten rained out 5 times but to be rolling in mid-november with temperatures in the high 40’s / low 50’s is pretty darn nice.

In attendance

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Camo, Kamikaze
CIA Conquest, Firebird, Renaissance, Quasar Conquest, Firebird
DTD Bethany
Fringe Banyan, Bedlam, Blizzard, Bantam Banyan, Bedlam, Blizzard, Bantam
PhiKap Shaddy, Svengali, Celerity Shaddy, Svengali, Celerity
Pioneers Chaos
PiKA Chimera, Nemesis, Zeus
SAE Rubicon
SDC Malice, Psychosis, Envy, Rage Malice, Psychosis, Envy, Rage
SigEp Barracuda, Pandora
SigNu Skua, Krait
Spirit Haraka, Seraph, Fuko Seraph, Fuko

Mini-Raceday Results
(best finish per org, times are from the end of hill2 to the finish) Continue reading

Rolls Report 11/7 & 11/8

Pittsburgh finally let buggy have a nice dry course for the weekend, so CMU stepped up and provided the torrents of water on Sunday.  Thanks CMU!  Saturday was sunny, 40-45 degrees, and over 2 hours long thanks to the end of day light savings.  Sweepstakes got through the roll order 3 full times despite a fair number of stoppages.  The first 40 minutes of Sunday went smoothly, but then Porter Hall decided to burst and spew disturbingly brown water out onto hill 3.  In just minutes the sidewalk, hill 3, and the outside of the chute were thoroughly flooded.

Mini-raceday is next weekend! Continue reading

Rolls Report 10/25

Sorry for the later than usual report this week.  Post-game Steelers celebrations unexpectedly went all night.

Saturday was rained out again this week bringing the tally to 4 rain-outs in the last 5 scheduled days of rolls, but Sunday was a perfect fall day for rolls.  Nice leaves, not too hot, not too cold.

In attendance:  AEPi, SigEp, DTD, Spirit, SigNu, PhiKap, SDC, PiKA, Fringe, CIA Continue reading