Rolls Report: Nov. 12 – Mini-Raceday!

This past weekend, Pittsburgh saw some more wintry weather. While snow wasn’t flying, a 20F morning on Saturday lead to cancelled Rolls. Fortunately the temperature on Sunday crept up above freezing and we were able to have Mini-Raceday! The tl;dr is that Spirit took fastest Freeroll, the PiKA women were the swiftest on the backhills, and SDC took both fastest men’s backhills and fastest overall time. The official Sweepstakes times are towards the end of the post along with timing data from the BAA’s own Shafeeq S.

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Rolls Report: Oct. 28 – Happy Halloween!

Thanks to rain and Halloween shenanigans, teams only rolled for one hour this weekend. Saturday was designated the official evening to celebrate All Hallows’ Eve, so Sweepstakes polled the chairmen and canceled Sunday rolls due to a projected low turn out (and high hangover rate). Unfortunately around 8:30am, Pittsburgh decided it was truly fall and it started to rain. Rolls were immediately called and the course was cleaned up for the weekend.

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Rolls Report: Oct. 14 & 15 – Parents weekend and other fun things

The parents were out in force this weekend! Thanks for everyone who came out to support the insane sport of buggy bright and early this past Saturday and Sunday. It was awesome to have an enthusiastic audience that was either knowledgeable about buggy, asking great questions or even participating; and did we see some folks pushing the back hills?

Shenanigans started before the first buggy was one its way. At 7:15 am on Saturday, bales were still being set up along the Chute. Sweepstakes put out a call for anyone with a broom to clean off the copious amounts of loose hay, after last weekend seems like our fearless leaders are doing everything in their power to reduce the number of incidents.

That said we did start rolling Robobuggy on Saturday while a buggy related vehicle was still parked down in the Chute. The buggy and follow car passed through without incident. Immediately following the first robobuggy roll, the Sweepstakes chair drove down the course and parked between the groups of flaggers to inspect and then correct the placement of the hay bale on the staircase. Unfortunately, Robo still got the all clear even with a car parked in the middle of the road. To their credit they were able to complete the roll without any incident by dodging between the monument and the Sweepstakes vehicle. Atlas was not out this weekend.

With autonomous rolls wrapped up we got started with human filled buggies.

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Rolls Report: Oct 7 – Rolls are on a 10 minute delay…

This past weekend of rolls was a doozy, and we don’t mean that in a “everyone got 6 rolls” sort of way. Between several crashes, a twisted ankle, and a rather angry motorist, we only got through the roll order 2.5 times. In addition, wet weather on Sunday meant that this was not a very productive weekend for the teams.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday
Apex Firefly, Phoenix
CIA Orca, Emperor, Impulse, Equinox, Tempest
Fringe Boson, Blueshift, Bissa, Bolt
PiKA Cliodhna
SDC  Inferno, Malice, Vice, Avarice
Spirit  Inviscid, Zuke, King Pin, Seraph

Observations (Saturday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: Sept 30 & Oct 1- First Weekend of Rolls!!

Welcome back Buggy fans! It’s that time of the year again! The leaves are falling, temperatures are dropping, and students are suffering through the first round of exams. We all know what that means: time for Buggy! This past weekend our beloved tradition got started on the right wheel with clear skies and tolerable temperatures. 8 teams were out rolling their buggies tallying up 49 rolls between Saturday and Sunday, although SigNu and AEPi are expected to be joining the roll order soon.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday Sunday
Apex Firefly, Phoenix Phoenix
CIA Orca, Icarus, Impulse, Equinox, Tempest Orca, Emperor, Equinox, Tempest
Fringe Boson, Blueshift, Bissa, Bolt Boson, Blueshift, Bissa, Bolt
PhiDelt Argo
PiKA Cliodhna Cliodhna
SDC  Inferno, Malice Inferno, Malice, Avarice
SigEp  Kraken, Barracuda
Spirit  Inviscid, Zuke, King Pin, Seraph Inviscid, Zuke, King Pin, Seraph

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: April 15 – Truck Weekend!

Can you believe it, buggy fans? We are just days away from the event we’ve been waiting all year for!!! Raceday 2017 is upon us, which means that this past weekend was our annual buggy dress rehearsal, a.k.a. Truck Weekend. Due to significant rain Sunday morning, it was really more like Truck Saturday, but that didn’t stop all 9 human teams and 2 robotic buggies from getting in those final few precious rolls.

After a grueling Heat Selection meeting last night, it is now confirmed that 22 women’s teams will roll in 10 heats and 27 men’s teams will roll in 12 heats. Stay tuned for the official schedule to be posted.

As per tradition, this rolls report isn’t going to contain too much information as we prepare to send out the much anticipated Raceday Preview. This year’s preview is jam-packed with team summaries, photos, alumni interviews, and predictions amongst other awesome buggy-ness. How do you get access to this amazing document? Simple: pay your BAA dues ($10). BAA dues go a long way to helping us keep you up-to-date on the latest buggy news as well as provide critical support to the current students. Plus, you get the Raceday Preview; that alone is worth the measly $10. You can join the BAA or renew your membership here.

Without further ado, the buggies that were rolling this Saturday and some sweet, sweet timing data!

In Attendance 

Org Saturday
Apex Phoenix, Ember, Kyle
CIA Equinox, Tempest, Orca, Impulse, Emperor
Fringe Boson, Bolt, Bissa, NB17
PhiDelt Argo
PiKA Cliodhna, Raptor, Banshee
SAE Lucy
SDC Malice, Havoc, Bane, Avarice, Rage
SigEp Barracuda, Kraken, Beyonce
SigNu Krait
Spirit Inviscid, Zuke, King Pin

Observations (Saturday Gallery)

The following data is a compilation of the laser-based system and the video-based system we have reported data from in the past. SDC, PiKA, Spirit, Fringe, and CIA are all, unsurprisingly, at the top of the pack. We’ll let you pour over the numbers though.

Remember, for a final wrap up of how the teams are looking before Raceday, pay your dues and check out the Raceday Preview!

Team Buggy Monument (mph) Steps (mph) Jumbotron (mph) Loss (%)
Apex Ember 28.5 21.6 24%
Apex Ember 26.3 27.6
Apex Kyle 31.8 26
Apex Kyle 32 25.4 21%
Apex Kyle 30.6 32
Apex Phoenix 30 24.8 17%
Apex Phoenix 30.8 25.1 18%
CIA Emperor 30.7 26.6 13%
CIA Emperor 29.2 30.4 26.4 13%
CIA Emperor 31 26.8 13%
CIA Equinox 34.1 29.2 14%
CIA Equinox 34 35.3 29.5 16%
CIA Equinox 36.1 29.7 18%
CIA Impulse 32.2 26 19%
CIA Impulse 29.9 31.3 25.5 18%
CIA Impulse 31 25 19%
CIA Orca 32.9 27.5 16%
CIA Orca 31.1 32 27.5 14%
CIA Orca 31.7 26.4 17%
CIA Tempest 34.8 29.5 15%
CIA Tempest 35.7 28.9 19%
CIA Tempest 34.7 29.5 15%
Fringe Bissa? 28.7 22.4 22%
Fringe Bissa? 32.9 25.4 23%
Fringe Bissa? 35.3 28.2 20%
Fringe Bolt 33.5 27 19%
Fringe Bolt 29.6 25.4 14%
Fringe Bolt 32.5 34.7 27.5 21%
Fringe Boson 28.2
Fringe Boson 31 26 16%
Fringe Boson 36.1 28.9 20%
Fringe NB17 36.1 28.4 21%
Fringe NB17 29.2
Fringe NB17 33.2 34.8 28.9 17%
PhiDelt Emily 27.3 28.6 23.5
PhiDelt Emily 25.6 21.1 18%
PhiDelt Emily 26.6 27.9 20.5 26%
PiKA Banshee 33.4 34.5 29.5 14%
PiKA Banshee 35.5 36.8 29.7
PiKA Banshee 34.5 35.7 28.4 20%
PiKA Cliodhna 34.7 27.3
PiKA Cliodhna 32.6 34.2 27.7 19%
PiKA Cliodhna 33.2 34.7 27 22%
PiKA Raptor 30 31.8 23.9 25%
PiKA Raptor 30.7 32.2 26.2
PiKA Raptor 33 28
SAE Lucy 34.1 27 21%
SAE Lucy 33.5 26.8 20%
SAE Lucy 32.7 25.4 23%
SDC Avarice 32.3 33.3 28.2 15%
SDC Avarice 31.5 27.5
SDC Avarice 33.6 28.4 16%
SDC Avarice 34.4 35.5
SDC Bane 35.2 36.1 30.6 15%
SDC Bane 33.1 28.2 15%
SDC Bane 32.1 33.3 28.2 15%
SDC Bane? 32.2
SDC Havoc 33.8 26.2
SDC Havoc 32.9 27.7 16%
SDC Havoc 31.4 32.4 26.2 19%
SDC Malice 34.5 35.3 29.5 16%
SDC Malice 35.7 30.3
SDC Malice 36.6 30.8 16%
SDC Malice 33.4 34.2 28.7 16%
SDC Rage 30.8 31.7 26.4 17%
SigEp Barracuda 33.9 27.3
SigEp Beyonce 21.8
SigEp Beyonce 27.3 28.7
SigEp Beyonce 29.4 31 25.4 18%
SigEp Beyonce 29.7 31 24.8 20%
SigEp Beyonce 28.7 29.7
SigEp Kraken 29.1 23.7 19%
SigEp Kraken 29.3 30.7 24.6 20%
SigEp Kraken 27.9 29.1 23.7 19%
SigNu Krait 33.5 35.3 27.7 22%
SigNu Krait 34.5 28.4 18%
Spirit Inviscid 34.7 28.4 18%
Spirit Inviscid 34.7 28.9 17%
Spirit Inviscid 33.4 34.8 29.7 15%
Spirit Kingpin 35.1 28.4 19%
Spirit Kingpin 34 35.3 27.5 22%
Spirit Kingpin 36 37.1 28.9 22%
Spirit Zuke 34.5 27.3 21%
Spirit Zuke 28.5 29.7 23.7 20%
Spirit Zuke! 35 36.8 27.5 25%

See you on Friday for prelims!

Rolls Report Contributors:
Natalie M.

Rolls Report: April 8 & 9 – Rapidly approaching Raceday!

Can you believe it, Buggy fans? Raceday 2017 is a mere week away! Much like our buggies, time seems to be speeding up as we approach the pinnacle of buggy-lover activities. Every org but one was out and getting in those last few rolls before Truck Weekend. Though, it seems that several teams are waiting on their duct tape orders to arrive. Ethan G (report writer and radioman extraordinaire) amassed quite the collection of hatches and various buggy bits that came loose in the chute.

If you arrived at rolls before 6:30 on Saturday, you’d have seen about 100 vehicles on the course as EMS borrowed our closed roads to do some training for their drivers. Rolls scheduled to start earlier this weekend were delayed on Saturday by course works and confusion on the roads as we scrambled to get the flaggers to their positions before their buggies were rolling. There was a little chaos and many teams were not prepared as Sweepstakes called for first roll.

Triple Buggy Spin – The major incident on the course this weekend occurred Sunday during a joint PhiDelt and Apex Roll. After passing Panther Hollow bridge and the transition flaggers the driver of the lead PhiDelt buggy felt, or heard something that upset her enough to put on the brakes. After applying the brakes the buggy went into a spin and came to a stop in the middle of the roadway. Unfortunately they were being closely followed by 2 Apex buggies ‘Ember’ and ‘Kyle’. Upon seeing stop flags Ember applied the brakes and pulled left, spinning around and coming to a stop against the sidewalk. ‘Kyle’ seeing this attempted to steer to a wide right of the pileup and applied the brakes as she headed towards the monument. ‘Kyle’ at this point also spun around and came to a stop leaving 3 buggies facing the wrong direction just upstream of the monument. EMS cleared all the drivers for be pushed through but this very unexpected turn of events results in a significant rolls slow-down.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday Sunday
Apex  Phoenix Kyle, Ember
CIA  Orca, Tempest, Emperor Orca, Impulse, Emperor
Fringe  Bolt, Bissa, Beacon, NB17, Boson Boson, Bolt, NB17, Beacon
PhiDelt Emily Emily
PiKA  Banshee, Cliodhna Banshee, Cliodhna, Raptor
SAE  Lucy
SDC  Malice, Havoc, Bane, Avarice, Rage Malice, Havoc, Bane Avarice, Rage
SigEp  Kraken, Barracuda, Beyonce Kraken, Barracuda, Beyonce
Spirit  Inviscid, Zuke, King Pin Inviscid, Zuke, King Pin

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Timing Data: April 2

As promised (and only a day late), here is the timing data as acquired and analyzed by Shafeeq. As a reminder, this system works by taking a video and extrapolating speed as a buggy passes through two designated points in the frame. “Steps” refers to the steps towards the end of the Freeroll between the monument and chute flagger. “Meter” refers to a point approximately half way though the Chute. % Speed Lost is a estimation of the amount of speed a buggy bleeds off making the Chute turn. It is not terribly surprising that the fastest teams into and out of the Chute (in order) are: SDC, Fringe, Spirit, and CIA. Based on these preliminary numbers, SDC’s Malice will be the buggy to beat in two weeks.

Team Buggy Steps (mph) Meter (mph) % Speed Lost
Apex Phoenix 28.2 24.8 12
Apex Ember 18
Apex “Kyle” 26.1 20.5 21
Apex “Kyle” 25.3 20.7 18
Apex Phoenix 24.1
Apex Ember 22.8 17.7 22
Apex “Kyle” 25.4 20.4 20
Apex Phoenix 28 24.2 14
Apex Ember 17.6
CIA Tempest 31.3 28 11
CIA Impulse 29.1 24.2 17
CIA Orca 30.2 25.7 15
CIA Emperor 19 12.5 34
CIA Tempest 30.8 27.7 10
CIA Impulse 29.7
CIA Orca 29.3 26.4 10
CIA Emperor 16.9 8.9 47
CIA Tempest 31.8 27.5 14
CIA Impulse 29.9 25.1 16
CIA Orca 29.9
CIA Emperor 17.2
Fringe Red/Blue 33.3 28.4 15
Fringe Bolt 34.5 28.9 16
Fringe Red/Blue 34.2 28.9 15
Fringe Primer/Blue
Fringe Bolt 29 24.4 16
Fringe Red/Blue 33.9 28.9 15
Fringe Primer/Blue 32.5 27 17
Fringe Bolt 33.1 28 15
Fringe Red/Blue 34.7 29.2 16
Fringe Bolt 32.5 28.9 11
Robobuggy Transistor 16.8
Robobuggy Transistor 17.3 11.3 35
SDC Malice 35.7 30.3 15
SDC Bane 32.2 27.3 15
SDC Rage 21.3
SDC Havoc 29.6 25.5 14
SDC Orange 23.4
SDC Malice 36.4
SDC Bane 30.8 26.2 15
SDC Orange 30.2 25.5 16
SDC Havoc 29.1 25 14
SDC Rage
SDC Malice 35.7 30.8 14
SDC Bane 29.9 25.4 15
SDC Orange 30.2 25.5 16
SDC Rage 29.4
SDC Malice 35.7 30.6 14
SDC Bane 30.2 25.1 17
SDC Orange 30.7 26.2 15
SDC Havoc 29.6 24.6 17
SigEp Barracuda 33.9 26.2 23
SigEp Kraken 14.9 5.5 63
SigEp Kraken 26.5 20.9 21
SigEp Barracuda 32.9 27.3 17
SigEp Kraken 25.5 21.1 17
SigEp Barracuda 28.7 23.3 19
SigEp Kraken 27.9 22.7 19
SigEp Barracuda 29.3 24 18
Spirit Kingpin 35.3 29.7 16
Spirit Zuke 29.7 22.7 24
Spirit Inviscid 29.9 25.7 14
Spirit Zuke 33.5 27.3 19
Spirit Kingpin 33.9 29.2 14
Spirit Inviscid 30.4
Spirit Kingpin 34.5 28.7 17
Spirit Zuke 32 26.4 18
Spirit Inviscid 30.5 25.7 16
Spirit Zuke 35.1 29.2 17
Spirit Kingpin 34.5 30 13
Spirit Inviscid 30.7 26.4 14

Rolls Report: April 2 – These buggies ain’t no Fool

With only 16 days until Raceday 2017, spring has officially appeared to have sprung in the ‘Burgh giving us warm but often rainy weather. Saturday rolls were cancelled due to excessive precipitation, but Sunday was upper 30’s and sunny. The cooler temperature resulted in slower roll times all around, but teams were still taking practice seriously. While we were missing several Greek teams due to Greek Sing, 6 human teams and 2 robotic buggies were out and rolling this weekend. 

In anticipation of April Fools’ Day one of our more dedicated reporters prepared a number of possible report openings and post titles. Despite not rolling on the first, they were too good to share:

  • Rolls consisted of drivers pushing the follow car down Frew street where unsuspecting flaggers were forced to catch them and send them back up Schenley drive.
  • Flush with success from greek sing a triumphant AEPi returned to buggy claiming to be the only fraternity capable of winning the triple crown. Kamikazi was caped and ready to roll.  
  • A belligerent Sam Swift appeared at this roll with Blackjack demanding to be let onto the course insisting that the BAA was a legitimate team and this was always why he made the organization.

Back to more serious things:
The ‘trench’ in the chute continues to dramatically slow buggies down as it tosses the lighter vehicles and drivers, since this Quick Crete conduit cover spans the entire roadway it is totally unavoidable. While some of the heavier buggies seem unaffected, it’s sure to be a good test if you have all your hatches in place. Make sure your drivers are wearing their mouth guards -this one will jump right up at you.

Buggy alumni were out in droves this weekend trying to get not one, not two, but three timing systems working. Ben M. teamed up with Lou C. to get the laser-based system created by Mark Estes functional. They continued to run into some issues getting all the transmitters to talk to each other, but are hopeful to have the system up and running in time for Raceday. Ben Brown was out getting his speed trap tested, but didn’t have much luck with his system. Finally, Shafeeq S. was manning his battle-tested photo-based system. We have data from Shafeeq, which will be posted on Wednesday. 

In Attendance 

Org Sunday
Apex Phoenix, Ember
CIA Tempest, Orca, Impulse, Emperor
Fringe Boson, Bolt, Bissa, NB17
SDC Malice, Havoc, Bane Avarice, Rage
SigEp Barracuda, Kraken
Spirit Inviscid, Zuke, King Pin

Observations (Sunday Gallery) Continue reading