Now that the real hangovers have worn off, the buggy hangover is in full swing, and we want to help you deal with the emptiest time of year: post-raceday.

Share your pictures from raceday with the rest of the community.  So far we have a decent start with 250 pictures from 4 or 5 people, but there are a lot parts of raceday that aren’t covered at all.  We are especially short on pictures of the back hills (not unusual) and the chute (very unusual!).   So please, upload some of your favorites from this year.  I know I saw lots of cameras out there and there was no shortage of exciting moments to capture.

Check out the 2009 albums

If you have any questions about how to upload, or have so many pictures to upload that it’s arduous to use the web interface, please let us know at

Well seniors, you had a hell of an exciting year to go out on, and not a bad 4 year stretch at that.  It’s going to be tough next year being away from things.  Take our word from it, we’ve been there.  Let us help by offering you a year of Dues-Paying-Member benefits for free.  Those benefits include:

  • Fall 2009 Report – get in depth details about the fall semester
  • Spring 2010 Raceday Preview – get the comprehensive coverage of each and every team so that you’re in the loop when you come back to your first raceday as an alum
  • Raceday 2010 Reception – mingle with other alumni after the races
  • Raceday 2010 Wrap-up – a look back on everything that happened

All you have to do is sign up before graduation:

Seniors Sign Up Now