Hey Graduates, let me in no way be the first to congratulate you on a job well done! Thanks for a very exciting year and we hope to see you back for all the Carnivals and Homecomings to come. If you missed your opportunity to become a member with our senior deal, shoot us an email at join@cmubuggy.org and we’ll see about getting you a membership. We’ve got a lot of big plans and we want to get started as soon as we can. To make that happen we need your help.
First off, cmuTV made a deal with the bookstore to sell their their Raceday DVDs so we’ve decided to do the same for this year’s buggy books and the awesome posters that you might have seen at Design Comp and during the races. If you’re in the area you should be able to stop by pick them up soon if you want. We’ll be working on getting them into the online catalog and hopefully you can order them from the comfort of your own home. Sweepstakes has a lot of old merchandise that we also want to get into the bookstore as well. All proceeds will go towards our mission of making buggy as awesome as it can be.
Secondly, we need your help! There are a lot of updates we want to make to this site and how we organize the things that we do for everyone. Ideally we would make these updates over the summer so we don’t interfere with the normal goings on of rolls and the like. Also, we’re always looking for people to help with the rolls reports. If you’re someone looking for a summer web-dev project, or if you’re in the Pittsburgh area, we need your help. Feel free to shoot us an email at committee@cmubuggy.org if you want to get involved.
And OH, if you haven’t seen our twitter feed, or read any of the recent forum posts, Schenley drive has been repaved from the stop sign to the entrance of the chute. It’s all nice, smooth and crack free now for the next few years at least and better yet, there are plans to pave Frew street! Assuming they are able to get to it, we should have a shiny, newly-paved course next year and if all goes as we expect, we might see some records broken.