2016 Sweepstakes and BAA Elections

Last week, Sweepstakes elected it’s new committee for the 2016-2017 school year and for the first time in a few years, they managed to elect a full team all in one meeting.

Your Raceday 2017 Sweepstakes Committee members are:

  • 12973113_1764993440403578_3920283398479968549_oChairman: Enosh Shachar



  • 12096239_954229424637137_2067007922454904633_nAssistant Chairman: Ryan Barrett



  • 1798363_10153824644704207_6828363851446051833_nSafety Chairman: Linna Griffin






As you all may know, we here at the BAA have our own Committee. This year, we added some new roles to better fit our unique situation. I owe these officers a huge debt a gratitude for the work that they put in this year and I can not thank them enough.

BAA Officers for Raceday 2016

Role Person
Rolls Report Coordinator Natalie McGuier
Treasurer/Fundraising Dan Becerra
Raceday Preview/Wrapup Aileen Dinin
New Team Outreach Connor Hayes
Regional Coordinator Jillian Brinberg

As you may notice, we are still missing some key roles that could help the BAA better keep up some functionality we already have in place. Over the next week, I encourage everyone to join in on the 2016 elections thread where we will try and layout some possible new roles and nominate people for the roles we are currently missing.

There has been a lot of great discussion happening in the forums recently, and I look forward to what we can come up with to help grow the sport and our community!