Hi everyone, and especially new students!

With new students arriving on campus and recruitment happening virtually this year, we thought we’d put together a list of teams and contact info for people to reference. This is also the first post in “Buggy 101”, our upcoming content series focused on introductory material to support the Buggy community.

Below is a list of active sweepstakes organizations, their chairs’ contact info, and a team website if they have one. Every team has their own unique character so be sure to shop around! It would be best to email contact, but if you like you can comment on this post. If you have any general questions, feel free to email buggy@andrew.cmu.edu .

Contact: cmu.apex@gmail.com

The Atlas Project
Contact: atlasbuggy@gmail.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/atlasbuggy

CIA Buggy
Contact: cia@andrew.cmu.edu
Website: ciabuggy.org

Delta Gamma
Contact: skbattag@andrew.cmu.edu

Contact: fringe.execboard@gmail.com
Website: https://fringe.org/

Kappa Kappa Gamma + Kappa Sigma
Contact: jrushkof@andrew.cmu.edu

Phi Delta Theta
Contact: jcassady@andrew.cmu.edu

Pi Kappa Alpha
Contact: aosilver@andrew.cmu.edu

Contact: djohnsto@andrew.cmu.edu
Website: https://roboticsclub.org/projects/robobuggy/

Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Contact: scbowman@andrew.cmu.edu

SigEp Racing
Contact: lazarandjelic16@gmail.com
Website: https://www.sigep.fun/campus.html

Sigma Nu
Contact: mvanbusk@andrew.cmu.edu

Spirit Buggy
Contact: thomasa1@andrew.cmu.edu
Website: https://www.spiritracingsystems.com/

Student Dormitory Council
Contact: join@sdcbuggy.org