Merch & Podcast & Volunteers, Oh My!

Raceday is almost upon us, and you can show your love for buggy by ordering your very own BAA raceday shirt today! Orders are available this week only, so don’t wait around. 🤩

The funds raised by these shirts will help pay for things such as the Raceday alumni events and contributions, support Sweepstakes with things like payment for the Jumbotron, and give us funding for future Buggy Enhancement Grants to assist student buggy organizations across campus.

While you’re waiting for your shirt to arrive, why not tune into the new season of Chute the Sh*t? The first episode is out now on all your favorite streaming platforms… and I hear there’s a rotisserie chicken spinner involved… 🐔

Finally, just like how other premier classes of motorsport rely on volunteer marshals, our premier (and only) class of motorless Buggy racing is made possible through the assistance of our wonderful volunteers. You can become a volunteer for Raceday 2025 today by visiting, or if you’re interested in helping out with this year’s broadcast/becoming a broadcaster! 📢

That’s right, YOU can be a Raceday 2025 broadcaster. You can give everyone the play-by-play during the races, tell us your favorite Buggy stories on our pre-race broadcast, and/or work behind the scenes to help us create or edit Raceday-related videos! Remember that there are also time slot options on those forms if you can only commit to certain times—we’ll be thrilled to get all the help we can.

A huge thank-you in advance to all of you who will be contributing your time and energy to Raceday 2025, as volunteers or as broadcast volunteers. We are immensely grateful for your continued support and look forward to seeing you on Raceday with your BAA raceday shirt on and the new Chute the Sh*t season playing!

Giving Day 2024!

Giving CMU Day is here! Now is the perfect time to donate to the BAA and, in doing so, support buggy enhancement initiatives, Raceday 2025, and so much more.

Our official Giving Day donation page can be found at

It’s worth noting that this year, alumni who make a gift of $25-$100 will have their gift matched 1:1 by the Board of Trustees! There is $100,000 in matching funds available, so matches will go fast—be sure to make your donation earlier rather than later to take advantage of this and further support our efforts across the year and on Raceday.

In the past, your generosity has made it possible for teams and individuals involved with buggy to purchase materials for constructing a reusable mold, research and develop steering and brake refurbishment processes, and invest in video and photo upscaling software to process archival footage. Your contributions have also directly facilitated the acquisition of jumbotrons and the organization of Buggy Bash for Raceday. We hope that you will lend us your continued support this Giving Day and will keep helping us make the experience of buggy more engaging and accessible for students, alumni, fans, and family.

Remember that if you’re not already a member, a donation of at least $20 today can also cover your BAA membership for the year. You can learn more on our membership page.

Thank you for your support, and happy Giving CMU Day!