Bylaws Ratified!

At long last, the BAA Executive Board has finally formalized and organized its rules, practices, and standards into a formal document, the Bylaws of the Carnegie Mellon Buggy Alumni Association. The document primarily describes how we’ve already been doing business for years, but now, future BAA Officers, Committee Chairs, and members will have something concrete to reference. They are, by design, easy for the Executive Board to change and update, as they are a living document meant to reflect the actual practices of the BAA at a given time. They serve to fill in the spaces around the framework provided by our Constitution. Thank you to the Executive Board for your contributions, and for the hearty and respectful debates and discussions that led us to a unanimous approval of the final draft.

If you’ve made it this far, and you don’t have one yet, please remember to buy a Raceday shirt while you still can! We also need more Raceday volunteers, both in general and for the broadcast. Thank you for your help and support.

[Updated] Communications Chair Nominations

UPDATE: The BAA Officers have nominated Cynthia Xu as Comms Chair. If there are no additional nominations by November 5, she will be automatically elected as per our Vacancy rules.

We currently have a vacancy at the position of Communications Chair. Would you or any of your friends like to run the BAA’s social media pages, coordinate posts for the website, and handle communications and newsletters for the BAA membership? If so, please nominate yourself or someone else here. This position is a two-year term through Spring 2026.

If you might be interested but have questions about the role, feel free to reach out to me or our previous Comms Chair, Dave Singh.

BAA Election Results

Congratulations to our newly elected BAA Board members:

Rob Siemborski, Webmaster

Sam Connor, Graphics Chair

And congratulations to Connor Hayes on his reelection as President!

The BAA Board has also voted to create the position of Events Chair, and has appointed newly graduated alum Sam Thompson to that role for a term of one year. Events Chair will be responsible for planning, organizing, and holding any official BAA-sponsored events, such as Happy Hour, Buggy Bash, and any other official social gatherings or info sessions throughout the year.

Nominate your friends to the BAA Board!

Raceday is over, May is almost here, and BAA elections are right around the corner. But before we can have elections, we need candidates! This year, we will have elections for President, Graphics Chair, Reporting Chair, and Webmaster.

Click here for the submission form, and for details about the roles. Nominees can be any graduated CMU alum who has not already served two terms in that position. Nominations will be accepted through May 5th.

Current BAA officers and chairs can be found here if you have any questions.

Election Results for the 2022-2024 Term

Hey everyone!
At long last, here are the results of our 2022 elections, with six officers set to begin their first elected terms:

Vice President: Diya Nuxoll
Secretary: Sydney Baker
Treasurer: Wade Gordon
Quartermaster: Jeremy Tuttle
Broadcast Chair: Matt Galabrese
Communications Chair: Bethany Bauer

Additionally, the Executive Board has created the appointed (non-voting) role of Producer for Rachael Schmitt, so she can continue her work creating our beloved Chute the Sh!t podcast with host Will Weiner.

Thank you all for participating in the elections!