2018 Preliminary Lead Truck Auction is LIVE + Finals Auction Information


The BAA is once again holding our lead truck auction this year, and the auction for the Preliminary Heats is now LIVE, and closes at 11:00 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, April 18! You can start bidding here.  It’s the one chance you (or a buggy fanatic in your life) have of being right in the middle of the action on Raceday. You’ll sit in the back of the lead truck for whatever race(s) you can win!

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Rolls Report: April 8 – Why is it still snowing?!

With Carnival only one week away, we are still looking for volunteers to help make things run smoothly during Races. If you are going to be at prelims and finals, consider donating a little time to making Raceday great! You can sign up here.

Pittsburgh’s weather didn’t get the memo about how close Carnival is and how desperately teams need Rolls, and it decided to snow on Friday night. Teams awoke to a film of icy snow covering the roads and Sweepstakes was forced to cancel. Fortunately, the precipitation held off the following evening and the course was clear, but cold, for Sunday. RoboBuggy didn’t seem to mind the chill in the air and rolled throughout the day with the rest of the teams. The first human Roll was delayed until 7:30 in hopes that the sun might raise the temperature a bit. It reached a balmy 28F.

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Rolls Report: March 31 & April 1 – No joke, a full weekend of Rolls

Just a couple quick announcements before diving into all the Buggy-goodness:

  1. The BAA needs you! With Carnival just 15 days away, we are looking for volunteers to help out with various Raceday-related events including the WRCT broadcast, Design Showcase Panel, Tabling, and updating the official race times on the BAA website. If you can help, please sign up. We will have small tokens of our thanks for your time, as well as a free buggy book!
  2. If you are currently reading this rolls report you should feel obligated to call, text, tweet at Pittsburgh 311 and to tell them that the road at the intersection of Tech Street and Schenley Drive is in an unacceptable condition. Coming over the top of hill two took more than a few drivers by surprise to the tune of lost hatches and catching air and possibly influenced worse mechanical issues. Phone Number: 3-1-1 (Pittsburgh Area) 412-255-2621 (Outside PGH)
    Online Form and Twitter

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Rolls Report: March 3 – End of Hibernation

This past Saturday saw the first day of Spring 2018 rolls! With only 6 short weeks until Raceday, this practice was eagerly anticipated; at least by a few teams. While the skies were bright and clear on Saturday, the temperature was just warm enough for pushers and drivers to do their thing. Sunday Rolls were called off on Saturday morning in anticipation of temperatures below 25F and subsequent low team turnout.

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Rolls are done and #GivingCMUDay

The Final weekend got rained/snowed out so there will be no more rolls until spring. Check out the last rolls report for current standings and speed data that we were able to collect.

We hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving with friends and family! With the various holidays coming up, we would like to remind you all about this coming GivingTuesday on Nov. 28th.

If you are looking for a way to give your group an extra boost, check out the student organization challenge that will be running throughout the Tuesday activities.

Happy Holidays and see you all in the spring!

Rolls Report: Nov. 12 – Mini-Raceday!

This past weekend, Pittsburgh saw some more wintry weather. While snow wasn’t flying, a 20F morning on Saturday lead to cancelled Rolls. Fortunately the temperature on Sunday crept up above freezing and we were able to have Mini-Raceday! The tl;dr is that Spirit took fastest Freeroll, the PiKA women were the swiftest on the backhills, and SDC took both fastest men’s backhills and fastest overall time. The official Sweepstakes times are towards the end of the post along with timing data from the BAA’s own Shafeeq S.

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Let’s Vote in a new Treasurer!

After almost half a year without a Treasurer, it’s about time we vote one in and complete our team as we start looking ahead to the spring semester.

Thanks to the nominations from our last vote, Bryan Arsham, AEPi Alum from 2010 2008 and new Broadcaster as of last year, has offered tohelp us out. So now it’s our responsibility to show our confidence in his abilities and confirm his nomination.

Please comment below with you vote for or against his confirmation, and feel free to include any questions for him if you have any. Voting period through Monday Nov. 20th.


Mini-Raceday Results will be coming out with the rolls report later this week!

50th Anniversary at CMU Homecoming & By-Laws Amendments

Homecoming Buggy Events

As Natalie mentioned in the last Rolls Report, Spirit Buggy Founder Matt Wagner will be returning to give his “Everything I learned, I learned from Buggy” Talk and we will also be bringing out the doughnuts and coffee for Saturday morning if it’s not too cold. So come by and say Hi!

Coffee & Doughnuts Tent

7:00 am @ Corner of Tech and Frew

Alternate (in case of cancellation): 9:00am @ Danforth Conference Room, CUC

Everything I learned, I learned from Buggy

9:30am @ Danforth Conference Room, CUC


By-Laws Amendments & Other updates

With the Rules Committee meetings well underway, teams are starting to get a chance to vote on some of the various changes with planned implementation slated for next semester for various procedural adjustments. So far, the Rules Committee has been starting off light making minor corrections to outdated rules and formalizing some of the existing practices. Here is a list of many of the new rules or adjustments that have been discussed and/or voted on:

  • Autonomous Buggy – Robobuggy has officially been added to the regular roll order by a unanimous vote of the chairmen and will be working on new sections and definitions to help define their place in the sport for the years to come.
  • Drop Test – The chairmen have voted to include a minor revision requiring each buggy/driver combination to be tested each morning that combination intends to roll.
  • Speed Restrictions for New Drivers – Something that has already been in practice for the last several years, Sweepstakes will be formalizing their first roll speed limits.
    • Veteran Drivers would be required to be speed limited for their first (1) roll of each semester.
    • New Drivers would be required to be speed limited for their first 3 or 4 rolls (TBD).
    • Once New Drivers reach their carry-over limit (8 for fall) they would be considered “experienced” and would only require a single speed limited roll for the following term.
  • Optional Follow Car – During Freeroll practices, teams would have the option to forgo their follow car and instead have a member of their team with an extraction kit remain with sweepstakes at the top of the hill and ride with the safety chair in the event of an incident. The chairmen voted to approve this amendment and will begin implementation starting this spring.

Mini Raceday

Teams will be competing in mini-raceday this Saturday for one of 4 top spots. Awards will be given to the top times for Men’s and Women’s, Freeroll and Backhill times. In the event that rolls are cancelled Saturday, Sunday is the fall-back plan.