Summers for the BAA are a bit slow (as we all know), but that doesn’t mean things don’t happen!
We hope many of you have kept your eye on the forums over the past few weeks and for those of you that have, you might have noticed that we have a new person interested in being an officer!
Jeremy Tuttle (SDC ’10) has thrown his hat into the ring for VP, and with no objections or opposition in the forums, it’s time to officially vote him in!
For those of you that may have missed it, here’s a selection of his stated goals and qualificaitons.
Looking back at the election thread from 2010, the VP was described as someone who assists the other officers in their projects, and coordinates with Sweepstakes as necessary. Really, I’ve already been doing those things kind of freelance. I’ve been working with Ben, Revo, and McCue to improve the History pages (I’ve been finding errors, missing data, and bugs, as well as contributing about 6 years worth of roster data I had available). I have a good rapport with Ben, and have had conversations with him recently about how the BAA can better fulfill its mission. And, I’ve casually spoken with several recent members of Sweepstakes, and heard their earnest concerns about difficult topics relating to the rules, safety, and overall participation. So, I think I’ll be a natural fit for the VP role.
That being said, I see some room for improvement in BAA’s pursuit of its mission. I think it is important for the BAA to function in a way that is well-organized, goal-oriented, and transparent, and I want to help make that happen.
Without further ado, please take a moment to vote in the comments below! (The Polls functionality isn’t working…) Votes will be counted up through this Friday June 17th at Midnight.
Vote options:
- YES!
- No Confidence
- Write-in
Cmhayes says:
dan b says:
Bordick says:
janicesg says:
Ben says:
ted says:
Barsham says:
Sam Swift says:
yes! this is looking like a landslide!
ben says:
most decisive election in american history
Matt says:
JeremyTuttle says:
Obligatory Yes!
DeVos says:
Paul R says:
Tuttle is going to make the BAA great again!
Ben says:
well that sounds pretty unanimous to me