Nominations for the BAA end TODAY! Here’s a quick update of the slate that members will be voting on next week:
- Reporting Lead: Natalie McGuier (2nd Term)
- Communications: Aileen Dinin (2nd Term)
- Webmaster: Madison Scott
- President: Ben Matzke
- Team Outreach: Ethan Gladding
- Team Outreach: Edward Cao
We are still lacking a nomination for a Treasurer/Membership Lead for next year. If you might be interested but are unsure of the commitment, feel free to reach out and our current treasurer Dan Becerra would be happy to tell you about what he does behind the scene.
Being the unique organization that we are, we are always open to suggestions for new seats or roles that may not currently exist. For example, Regional Outreach, Raceday Coordinator, Social/Party organizer, or whatever you think the BAA might be missing!