Hello all buggy friends!! Happy first rolls report of the year!
Despite the last few years, we were fortunate to be graced by a pretty normal first weekend of rolls by the buggy gods. After Saturday was unfortunately cancelled due to a variety of issues (no officers, cars and construction equipment on the course, unpaved rolls), teams came out STRONG on Sunday, despite some difficult challenges:
- Difficult and unpaved roads!! Construction equipment left a bunch of hard-to-remove debris plus car accident shrapnel which lead to…
- Chores difficulties!! Sweeping the roads and making sure that they were safe was a much bigger challenge than it normally is! Also some confusion around where bales go didn’t help.
Definitely an interesting weekend…

BUT before we get into that.. a couple notes from the BAA
1) Applications for the buggy endowed fund are open!! This fund will be utilized to fund projects to promote new and innovative ideas that promote the spirit of buggy and aim to move the sport forward. For more information, see this page.
2) Our current website gallery is broken! We are working on evaluating options, but for this week, we’re trying out smugmug (thanks ben matzke)! Feel free to look through our gallery here: https://cmubuggy.smugmug.com/2021-2022/Rolls-20210919/ and if you have any photos to upload, please reach out to me at news@cmubuggy.org :)
In Attendance
Org | Sunday |
Apex | Phoenix, Firefly |
CIA | Emperor, Aurora, Equinox, Kingfisher |
Fringe | Boson |
PiKA | Raptor, Banshee, Cleo |
SDC | Bane, Vice |
Spirit | Kingpin II, Seraph, Zuke, Inviscid |

Pretty chill day for Apex! With Pheonix and Firefly out, we saw them taking it easy and settling back into the swing of things. Unfortunately, no signs of Solaris and Molotov yet, but rumor has it that they may be making an appearance in the coming weeks..

hmm were you confused at the buggies that CIA brought out? Wasn’t Equinox retired? I definitely thought it was! It looked like there was a lot of carbon repair on it’s nose and hatch. huh
Also always fun to see Aurora out on the course. As our president sir Connor Hayes said “Aurora didn’t drop the bar with bags which would’ve been hilarious.”

Nothing too interesting to report there. Boson made it around the course. Good job Fringe

PiKA staged without a tent this weekend! ??
Raptor was especially loud and slow, it looked (and sounded) like it was rolling with an incredibly flat-spotted front wheel. Other than that, things seemed pretty normal. As the only greek team out this weekend, we are all very proud of them.

“SDC needs to paint Vice it’s like 90% tape” – Connor Hayes

Spirit made it around the course smoothly with all four buggies.
Super duper congrats to Kaycee, Frank, Sydney, Nahyun and Vidya on a successful first rolls!! Y’all are stars ⭐⭐⭐
See you all next week for rolls report week 2!
space space space
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Rolls Report Contributors:
Tishya Girdhar
Sweepstakes and Connor and Ben (for being my eyes and ears at Rolls)
Various Team and University Instagram Accounts
Ben says:
When the hell did Connor get Knighted?! Can I get on that list now too?
Great report, thanks Tishya!
Jeremy says:
Come now, Vice is just working on the bee look!