A pretty easy weekend of rolls. For day 2, the 13 minute delay (due to some chores complications) wasn’t too bad! Sweeps got through the roll order 3 times, so a solid day overall. Four teams with four buggies out each, and SigEp made it out for the first week as well! Props as always to Kaycee, Frank, Sydney and Nahyun for killing it another day! <3
Org | Saturday |
Apex | Firefly, Molotov, Solaris, Phoenix |
CIA | Tempest, Aurora, Equinox, Kingfisher |
Fringe | Boson, Baltic, Bumper |
PiKA | Raptor |
SDC | Bane, Vice, Vanity, Avarice |
SigEp | Kraken |
Spirit | Kingpin II, Seraph, Zuke, Inviscid |
A few quick BAA reminders:
1) Applications for the buggy endowed fund are open!! This fund will be utilized to fund projects to promote new and innovative ideas that promote the spirit of buggy and aim to move the sport forward. For more information, check out https://cmubuggy.org/resources/
2) Our current website gallery is broken! We are working on evaluating options, but for yet another week, we’re trying out smugmug (thanks ben matzke)! Feel free to look through our gallery here: https://cmubuggy.smugmug.com/2021-2022/Rolls-20210919/ and if you have any photos to upload, please reach out to me at news@cmubuggy.org :)
Now onto the rolls update:

Apex brought out their full fleet this week! Despite three new drivers out on the course, they had a STELLAR day with no stops :)
Also thank you to apex for being the only team to give me photos y’all rock

CIA had a pretty smooth day, other than a small hiccup during one of their rolls. Kingfisher came to a controlled stop near the monument due to vision issues and their follow car didn’t even notice! drove straight past.
Fringe had three buggies out this weekend! Pretty smooth as a whole, no big issues.

PiKA kept things easy today, with just Raptor out this weekend.

SDC came out strong this week! Four buggies, three new drivers. Zoom zoom
Vice is still 80% tape but we’ll just let that one go for now
SigEp’s first weekend went off without a hitch! With only Kraken out, we can see that they’re trying to take things slow to start out. Hopefully we’ll see some more action from them later in the semester!
Spirit came out strong for the second week in a row with four buggies and three new drivers.
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And keep an eye out on the CMU official Social Media platforms for buggy related news:
Rolls Report Contributors:
Tishya Girdhar
Sweepstakes and Radio club (for being my eyes and ears around the course)
Various Team and University Instagram Accounts