Rolls Report March 22 & 23: Pass after Pass

This is a jammed-packed rolls report with only Truck Weekend between us and Raceday. No further intro needed!

One of several closer-than-you-want pass tests this weekend

ApexFirefly, Helios, Molotov, ScorchFirefly, Helios, Molotov, Scorch
CIARoadrunner, Emperor, Kingfisher, Goldfinch, StarlingRoadrunner, Emperor, Kingfisher, Goldfinch, Starling
FringeBurnout, Baltic, Blueshift, NB2025Burnout, Blueshift
RobobuggyShort Circuit, NANDShort Circuit, NAND
SDCBane, Lust, ParanoiaAvarice, Bane, Lust, Paranoia
SigEpHydra, Barracuda, KrakenHydra, Barracuda, Kraken
SigNuBungarus KraitJager
SpiritInviscid, Mapambazuko, Seraph, KingpinInviscid, Mapambazuko, Seraph, Kingpin

Bold = New Buggy 2025
Green = Qualified for RD2025 w/ at least 1 driver

Photos: Saturday Gallery (upload) Sunday Gallery (upload)

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Rolls Report March 15: A Busy Return

Spring is almost here, and Saturday this week at least felt like it! We had 10 organizations rolling with numerous buggies, including 4 new builds and a few old ones we hadn’t seen in a while. Very limited incidents made for a smooth and busy day- read on!

Fringe’s fleet with NB2025

OrgSaturdaySunday– RAIN
ApexFirefly, Helios, Molotov, Scorch
CIARoadrunner, Emperor, Kingfisher, Goldfinch, Starling
FringeBurnout, Blackbird, Baltic, Blueshift, NB2025
SDCVice, Bane, Lust, Paranoia
SigEpHydra, Barracuda, Kraken
SigNuJager, Bungarus Krait
SpiritInviscid, Mapambazuko, Seraph, Kingpin

Bold= Debut of new buggy

Photos: Saturday Gallery (upload)

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Spring Course News: (No) Rolls Report March 8 & 9

Spring semester is in full swing, and Sweepstakes has had permits to roll since the beginning of February. So why is this the first time you are hearing from me? Remember all the times I boasted about great Pittsburgh weather in the Fall? Well, Mother Nature had its vengeance and so far we have not had good enough weather to roll. Pittsburgh produced very consistent snow/sleet and cold temperatures this winter.

We couldn’t leave our buggy fans without some news from the teams any longer, so I’m here with a few quick notes on what has been going on this spring. Let us know in the comments if you have more to add!

We continue to need volunteers to help make Raceday run smoothly- please sign up here!

It’s sunny in this picture but so, so cold.

General Observations:

  • New Buggies: A number of orgs will be debuting new vehicles in the spring. We expect to see new builds from Apex, Fringe, CIA, SDC, and SAE (and maybe Spirit). With no rolls, pictures have been hard to come by, but here is one of CIA’s new build – Starling – at capes.

Starling: CIA’s 2025 Build

  • More News:
    • A total of 9 organizations have caped at least 1 buggy this semester: Spirit, SigNu, PiKA, Fringe, DG, CIA, SDC, Apex, and SigEp. Two more could potentially still join in- SAE and AEPi. I hear SAE may be caping very soon!
    • Sweepstakes has passed some modifications to driver qualification for this Raceday:
      • Returning drivers need at least 9 total rolls, with at least 3 in the spring.
      • New drivers need at least 15 rolls total, with at least 6 in the spring.
      • All drivers need at least 9 rolls in their Raceday buggy, and rolls must come on at least 2 different weekends.
    • Remember we told you that last year’s winning Women’s buggy- CIA’s Goldfinch – was involved in a accident and sustained significant damage. We are happy to report we expect Goldfinch back soon, pending capes.
    • Lastly, we need to highlight a very special project, the brainchild of Lewis from SDC. In the spirit of showing that a buggy could be built quickly and cheaply, without compromising safety, SDC built Gluttony out of wood and other simple materials. No one expects speed, but we hope it shows some students they can have fun and build their own buggy without a serious monetary commitment.

This. Is. Gluttony!

  • Raceday is in 23 days! Here are some things to look forward to:
    • Push Practice begins this week!
    • March 15/16 and 22/23 are the only two weekends of “normal” rolls. Expect action packed reports!
    • March 22 is our 2024 Raceday Rewatch! More info here.
    • March 29/30 is Truck Weekend! If you are in town come out to see and help time the teams!
    • Expect your Member’s Only Raceday Preview to hit your inboxes that first week of April!
    • April 4/5 – RACEDAY! For all things Raceday, head over here!

Some highlights from Fall 2024

Don’t forget, we have a sign-up to cover rolls here. We especially need help on Truck Weekend! That sheet also has links to upload photos (updated every week). Let us know if you do so we can give you credit (DM Barsham or data at cmubuggy dot org). Once again, you can reach me on discord or email with any rolls notes or corrections.

Raceday 2024 Rewatch – Coming on March 22

Quick Reminder: Last call to get your BAA Raceday Shirts! They’re available for purchase until March 9, and you can get them HERE

Hey Buggy fans! Pittsburgh weather has struck with a vengeance this semester, and we really miss seeing teams on the course. So we’re taking matters into our own hands.

To get everyone pumped up for Raceday in just 27 days, we’re gonna get the ball started virtually. So we’re organizing a Raceday Rewatch, going all the way back to…2024! Join us on March 22 from 12pm-3pm ET on our YouTube Channel as we re-watch all of the races from 2024! We’ll bring you up to speed on where all of the teams finished last year, so you know what to expect this April 4-5.

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Bylaws Ratified!

At long last, the BAA Executive Board has finally formalized and organized its rules, practices, and standards into a formal document, the Bylaws of the Carnegie Mellon Buggy Alumni Association. The document primarily describes how we’ve already been doing business for years, but now, future BAA Officers, Committee Chairs, and members will have something concrete to reference. They are, by design, easy for the Executive Board to change and update, as they are a living document meant to reflect the actual practices of the BAA at a given time. They serve to fill in the spaces around the framework provided by our Constitution. Thank you to the Executive Board for your contributions, and for the hearty and respectful debates and discussions that led us to a unanimous approval of the final draft.

If you’ve made it this far, and you don’t have one yet, please remember to buy a Raceday shirt while you still can! We also need more Raceday volunteers, both in general and for the broadcast. Thank you for your help and support.

Merch & Podcast & Volunteers, Oh My!

Raceday is almost upon us, and you can show your love for buggy by ordering your very own BAA raceday shirt today! Orders are available this week only, so don’t wait around. 🤩

The funds raised by these shirts will help pay for things such as the Raceday alumni events and contributions, support Sweepstakes with things like payment for the Jumbotron, and give us funding for future Buggy Enhancement Grants to assist student buggy organizations across campus.

While you’re waiting for your shirt to arrive, why not tune into the new season of Chute the Sh*t? The first episode is out now on all your favorite streaming platforms… and I hear there’s a rotisserie chicken spinner involved… 🐔

Finally, just like how other premier classes of motorsport rely on volunteer marshals, our premier (and only) class of motorless Buggy racing is made possible through the assistance of our wonderful volunteers. You can become a volunteer for Raceday 2025 today by visiting, or if you’re interested in helping out with this year’s broadcast/becoming a broadcaster! 📢

That’s right, YOU can be a Raceday 2025 broadcaster. You can give everyone the play-by-play during the races, tell us your favorite Buggy stories on our pre-race broadcast, and/or work behind the scenes to help us create or edit Raceday-related videos! Remember that there are also time slot options on those forms if you can only commit to certain times—we’ll be thrilled to get all the help we can.

A huge thank-you in advance to all of you who will be contributing your time and energy to Raceday 2025, as volunteers or as broadcast volunteers. We are immensely grateful for your continued support and look forward to seeing you on Raceday with your BAA raceday shirt on and the new Chute the Sh*t season playing!