The Results are In – Welcome new BAA officers!

Thanks to the 15 of you who took the time to express your opinion, the results are unanimous! Please help me to welcome the new BAA officers for the Raceday 2019 season –

  • Jeremy Tuttle – Vice President, re-elected for second term
  • Ethan Gladding – Graphics specialist *New*
  • Rachael Schmitt – Secretary *New*
  • Will Weiner – Broadcast Coordinator *New*

I couldn’t be happier to add these names to our outstanding roster of officers, and we’ve got a number of exciting meetings already in the works for the summer. Thank you for being involved Alumni volunteers and BAA members, we would not be able to do the things we do without your time and support!

BAA 2018 Elections!

Thanks to everyone that submitted nominations for our open positions this year. We have a great list of nominees for each position. All nominees have been contacted, all are excited to join the team, and we are excited to work with them!

Only one step remains, it’s time for each of you to have your voice heard and vote in our new officers. Either follow the link here, or fill out the below ballot to submit your vote!

Thank you for being involved in this process and we can’t wait to get started planning for the 99th year of BUGGY!

Congrats Graduates and BAA Elections!

Now that we’ve finally been able to recover from Raceday, we here at BAA HQ have had a chance to look back on the year and make some notes for next year, but we would also love to hear your thoughts on the year, and ways we can continue to improve this sport we all love and devote our time and energy to.

First of all, CONGRATS TO ALL GRADUATES, and welcome to the CMU and Buggy Alumni family! As a special offer, all 2018 graduates are offered their first year membership for free! All you have to do is tell us who you are via this link!

Second up, it’s time for the 2018 BAA Elections. We currently only have one position up for re-election, but we are also looking to fill in some additional positions to align with our bylaws as well as a couple new positions we think would help us further the mission of the BAA. Here are a few more details

  • Vice President – Jeremy Tuttle has reached the end of his first 2-year term and is up for re election. He is automatically nominated and is interested in running for a second term. The Vice President helps manage the internal projects of the BAA, as well as assist the President as needed in discussions with CMU Staff.
  • Secretary – Listed in the BAA By-laws as the person to coordinate distribution of meeting minutes to general membership as well as handle and maintain the membership list in partnership with the treasurer.
  • Graphics Specialist – Given the increased desire we have for making awesome newsletters, guides, and engaging info, we’re looking to bring on someone specifically for this role rather than frantically seek someone out last minute.
  • General Officer – A lighter-weight new role that we’re looking to test out. We have a number of small tasks ranging from general alumni outreach, to tracking down specific information, or assisting with our numerous events throughout the year. If you’ve wanted to help out, but never thought you fit into a specific position, or you only have time sporadically, this is the perfect role for you!

You can of course also nominate for any of the other, currently filled, positions if you would like. For reference, here are the current officers:

President – Ben Matzke (Middle of second term)
Vice President – Jeremy Tuttle (End of first term)
Communications – Aileen Dinin (Middle of second term)
Reporting – Natalie McGuier (Middle of second term)
Treasurer – Bryan Arsham (Middle of first term)
Webmaster – Krishan Taylor (Middle of first term)

Lastly, since the summer has officially kicked off, the conversation has been getting going on our Discord chat, the same one we use during raceday! Feel free to jump and share your thoughts. We’ve got some discussions going around cutting up and uploading all of the missing footage from past racedays, and also updating and fleshing out our history database with awards and winners from recent and past years.

Let’s Race! BAA Friday Carnival Events

Preliminary Races

7:30am – 12:30pm on the buggy course | Stream live on cmuTV or listen on

By the time you read this, the races have likely already begun SO GET TO THE COURSE ALREADY, or if you’re not in pittsburgh, check out the live stream put on by cmuTV! We have 10 women’s heats and 12 men’s for this year’s races with 25 and 27 entries respectively. It may be a bit chilly, but these races will be hot.

Buggy Books will be available at the BAA tent by the Finish Line for purchase or Pre-order pickup.

Lead Truck Auction winners MUST check in at the BAA tent with a signed waiver at least 1 full heat before your designated race.

History of Buggy with focus on ’68 and ’93 with Tom Wood

1:30pm in Danforth Conference Room in the CUC

Our regular can’t miss event is back as Tom Wood shares a history of buggy focused on the class of ‘93 and ’68. There will be plenty of show and tell with buggies, slides, wheels, and photos of the days of old with insight into the changing landscape of the competition.

Buggy Meetup and Finals Lead Truck Auction

7:30pm at Hough’s Taproom in Greenfield – 563 Greenfield Ave.

For the first time ever, bid live on the finals heats’ lead truck rides after the heats have been decided, and stick around to share your Raceday experiences at Hough’s taproom, the original bar with a buggy! Light hors d’oeuvres provided courtesy of the BAA.

It Begins! – BAA Thursday Carnival Events

Buggy Showcase and Alumni Panel

Showcase: 12-2pm in Wiegand Gym | Panel begins at 12:30

Come on over to the UC gymnasium and check out all the buggies that will be competing on raceday up close and personal as well as vote on your favorite for Peoples choice! While you’re there, stick around for what will be a fantastic alumni panel where our group of panelists will recount their favorite Buggy Myths and Legends moderated by our own VP, Jeremy Tuttle. On stage we will have:

  • Conrad Zapanta – CIA ’91
  • Adam McCue – KDR ’07 & Sweepstakes
  • Hayley Dalzell – Robobuggy ’15 & Sweepstakes
  • Aiton Goldman – CIA ’98
  • Connor Hayes – Apex ’19

Buggy books will be available at the sweepstakes Swag table for Purchase or pre-order Pickup.

Welcome Back Happy Hour

7:30pm at Fuel and Fuddle – 212 Oakland Ave

If you’ve made it back to Pittsburgh, join us at the second bar with a buggy to recount past years, share your predictions and just generally get ready for the Prelim races on Friday! We will be in the basement of the restaurant.

Check your Membership Status + CompuBookie 2018

BAA Membership Roster

The preview is getting it’s final polish and we’re about ready to send it out, BUT before we do, here’s your chance to check and make sure that you’ve made your donation to the BAA and should be expecting the preview in the first round of distributions. We’re working on fixing up the site and the roster section is on the list, but for now use the link below.


If you’re not on the list and want think you should be, or want to fix your mistake of not donating, send your receipt email from CMU showing your donation and designation to and we’ll get you added. After you’ve got your membership sorted out, take a gander at this year’s auction where we’ve nearly passed the 50% mark with more than a day remaining!

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2018 Preliminary Lead Truck Auction is LIVE + Finals Auction Information


The BAA is once again holding our lead truck auction this year, and the auction for the Preliminary Heats is now LIVE, and closes at 11:00 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, April 18! You can start bidding here.  It’s the one chance you (or a buggy fanatic in your life) have of being right in the middle of the action on Raceday. You’ll sit in the back of the lead truck for whatever race(s) you can win!

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Fall Kickoff and BAA Officer’s meeting notes


We are still looking for one after the last election cycle. We will be reaching out to those who were nominated last year, but if you or someone you know has an interest in being an active BAA officer to help support everything that we do, please let us know. More info on this will be posted in the coming weeks.

Updates from campus

Sweepstakes has landed on a start date for fall rolls finding a balance between the various marathons/charity runs/other road closures. Weather permitting, first rolls will be September 30th, a bit later than usual, but will avoid some challenges and costs that past Sweepstakes have dealt with.

Many teams still need to complete capes, but they’ve still got two weeks to fit them all in. During capes, we saw the reveal of a new buggy from SDC named Inferno sporting a slightly darker red than their standby workhorse Rage. From first look, Inferno follows the form factor trends of their last few builds, so we can’t wait to see how it performs on the course, and with senior and veteran A-team driver Annie Black potentially behind the helm, we have some great expectations.

At the end of last year, the incoming Sweepstakes committee expressed an interest in a full rules committee to clear up some rules that have been modified over the years and also update procedural matters to align with the modern format/changes that haven’t been formally written down.

During Orientation, Sweepstakes held another iteration of “What is Buggy” to introduce the freshmen to our beloved sport. Several teams participated and brought out a buggy to show off on the cut drawing eyes and interest from passersby.

Notes from the last committee meeting

Some time ago, BAA HQ had our Fall meeting and caught up with each other and our projects so here’s a quick update on our progress and plans going forward.


  • Krishan has been making some great progress and should have fixed the account sign-up issue that we were having. If you’ve been waiting to sign up give it a try now and let us know if you run into any issues.
  • As we did last year, we are planning to release a kickoff/wrap-up  newsletter before the start of fall rolls (which now has a date) to all members.
  • Fall rolls reports will continue this semester and we are looking to add some new reporters to further expand on the weekend events. If you are in the area and come out to rolls, let us know and we would be more than happy to include any notes you might have!
  • Because of the vital role that cmuTV plays in Raceday, we’ve been talking with a few of their alums and are starting to organize a alumni support group specifically for them. Given how busy the group gets in the spring with their numerous shows, any support we can send their way will come back as support for us.

Next Steps

  • We are continuing to make a push to reach out to possible new teams and following up with the outreach that was started by last year’s sweepstakes. Along those lines, we are working to compile a list of available buggies that new teams could rent, please shoot us a message if you know of some in the area.
  • Priority for the website is cleaning up some security issues and cleaning up some of the underlying architecture. If you spot any issues please shoot us a message or post a comment. Thanks to those of you who continue to send us these notes!
  • There has been talk of doing a short mid-season newsletter this year as a recap of the fall and make some predictions for the spring, so keep an eye right here for more info on that. If you would be interested in helping, or have a topic that you want covered, don’t hesitate to let us know.


  • Homecoming – CMU is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the merger between Carnegie Tech and Mellon College of Science this year.
    • Tom is preparing a special version of his History of Buggy Presentation for homecoming this year.
    • We are also planning to have our doughnut and coffee tent out for rolls that weekend, so come by and say hi if you’re in town!
  • Carnival – We are starting to make plans for Carnival this year and will again be looking for volunteers to help keep things running and up-to-date through the races. The officers will be busy managing other BAA tasks, so we are looking to find some leads to help us just during that weekend.
  • Local Meetups – We’ve attempted these to some success over the years, but we would love to have more Buggy Alumni meetups in other areas. The BAA has large concentrations in New York and Silicon Valley and will be making some outreach to those chapters, but if you are interested and would go to a local meetup, we’d love to hear from you and provide whatever support your area might need.