Rolls Report: March 22 & 23 – New Buggy-Palooza

This weekend was a monster, so much happened that this if this comes out around the usual time it will be a miracle. BUT, before I can get into the craziness that was this weekend I have one thing that I need to mention first. Next weekend I will be indisposed with another event down south at CalU. I need will need help writing next weekend’s rolls report, so if you have wanted to contribute, or have ever thought about getting some notes in this’ll be your best chance to do so. Please email if you’re interested in helping and I’ll get you the info you need.

Saturday was as windy as Sunday was COLD. Pittsburgh’s winter party keeps on going, everyone at this point is either drunk or asleep on every possible surface. Despite the sun coming up, Pittsburgh just keeps blaring the winter music not getting the hit that it was fun, but we got things to do. With the weather aside, CIA, Fringe and Spirit all brought out new buggies on saturday who now have 4 potential days left to get qualified. It’ll be a hard battle for all of them. With a significant lack of time this year, it was amazing to see rolls end at 8:43 on Satuday. All the bundled up alumni that showed up on Sunday were treated to dusty slick roads and some amazing driving.

In Attendance  (new buggies in green)

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze
Apex Ember, Phoenix Ember, Phoenix
CIA Icarus, Ascension, Impulse, Freyja Icarus, Impulse, Freyja
Fringe NBXIV, Beacon, Bissa NBXIV, Beacon, Banyan
PiKA Banshee, Chimera Banshee, Chimera
SAE Lucy Rubicon
SDC Vice, Bane, Malice, Avarice, Psychosis Vice, Bane, Malice, Avarice, Psychosis
SigEp Kraken, Mamba, Barracuda Barracuda, Pandora
SigNu Bungarus Krait
Spirit Zenith, Zuke, Seraph Zenith, Kingpin II, Zuke, Seraph, Haraka

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: March 16 – Skeleton Day

There were only 5 orgs out on sunday for the 1.5 hours of rolls and it was one of the smoothest yet. Teams that came out were generally the most skeleton crews that have ever seen the course, but they were all very efficient and organized. The cones were back out on the course flagging those awful potholes. Despite Lars being the only regular sweepstakes person there, a few pass tests happened on the frigid Sunday morning and we also got to see our first new buggy of the year!

It was so cold that morning that my phone died  midway not leaving any chance for me to even think about the livestream. Hopefully in the last few weeks we have left I’ll be able to get one going as well as charge up the GoPros for some Freeroll timing.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday
Apex “Arson?”,Phoenix
CIA Impulse
Fringe Beacon, Bissa
SDC Vice, Bane, Malice, Psychosis
Spirit Kingpin II, Zuke

Observations (Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: March 1 – Is It Spring?

AND WE’RE BACK! Well… by we, I mean buggy, and by back, I mean rolls… The snow gave a one day reprieve and Sweepstakes jumped on the opportunity to start off the year. It was a cold start to the year, but boy was it a start, everything under the sun happened that Saturday. Some barricades were still missing so where there would normally be double barricades there would only be one. Cars tried to sneak on the course when the barricaders weren’t looking, some getting very close.

After the relentless winter that Pittsburgh has had this year, the course is in its worst condition yet. There are not many students (if any at this point) that will remember how bad lane 2 used to be before it was paved, but the roads have now gotten to the point where Sweepstakes is using Carnival cones to mark the egregious potholes and ice patches around the course. These new obstacles slowed down a lot of buggies and seriously effected their line in some cases. Then again, that was probably a good thing given the size of some of the holes out there.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday
Apex Phoenix
PiKA Banshee, Chimera
NROTC Patriot
SAE Lucy, Rubicon
SDC Vice, Bane, Malice, Avarice, Psychosis
SigEp Mamba, Barracuda
SigNu Bungarus Krait
Spirit Kingpin II, Seraph, Haraka

Observations (Saturday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: Feb 22 & 23 – SABOTAGE

Despite the freak snow storm earlier in the week, Pittsburgh decided to warm up and clear up just for the weekend. At the start of last week, there were also only two orgs with caped buggies, but by the end of the week, there were enough to make rolls happen. Against all odds, rolls were certainly possible, but come early Friday evening rolls had been cancelled… Continue reading

Rolls Report: Nov 16 – End of Fall Season

Congrats to all the teams that made it through the season. Rolls are all over until the spring, so it’s time for you all to finish up that work you’ve been putting off. No not school work, those new buggies that you’ve been planning on building! Stories are already flying around and I for one can’t wait to see what comes out next spring.

Unfortunately, we only had one day this weekend with Sunday getting a huge amount of rain early in the morning. But that’s not to say we were without an exciting day of rolls on Saturday, sadly, by no fault of the teams themselves. We had nearly every team out this weekend as a few of the usual no-shows showed their faces on what was a surprisingly nice morning.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday
Apex Phoenix
CIA Ascension, Orca, Freyja
Fringe Beacon, Bissa, Bedlam, Banyan
PiKA Banshee
SAE Lucy, Rubicon
SDC Vice, Malice, Avarice, Psychosis, Rage
SigEp Barracuda, Pandora
SigNu Bungarus Krait
Spirit Kingpin II, Zuke, Seraph, Fuko

Observations (Saturday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: Nov 9 & 10 – Return from Hiatus

After practically 2 weeks off, buggy returned to two very cold days of rolls, and thanks to daylight savings, they were each a full 2 hrs long. Some teams are getting up to full speed already and clearly can’t wait for the spring. With only one weekend left, there is not much time left for the teams to claim all the rolls that they can carry over if they haven’t already gotten them.

The tree next to the chute has fallen down and opened up the viewing possibilities from the chute. This also means that come raceday, we might have a new option for Jumbotron placement. After Next weekend, we here at the BAA will be going into our own style of hibernation until the spring where February 1st is the first possibly day of rolls of 2014.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze
Apex Phoenix Phoenix
CIA Ascension, Impulse, Freyja Ascension, Impulse, Orca, Freyja
Fringe Beacon, Bissa, Banyan Beacon, Bissa, Banyan
PiKA Banshee, Chimera Banshee, Chimera
SDC Vice, Malice, Avarice, Psychosis, Rage Vice, Malice, Avarice, Psychosis, Rage
SigEp Barracuda, Pandora Barracuda, Pandora
Spirit Kingpin II, Zuke, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko Kingpin II, Zuke, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: Oct 27 – Short and Sweet

Welcome back buggiers (shut up auto-correct, it’s totally a word)! Last weekend rolls did not happen because of Mid-semester break and Saturday was called on account of Halloween parties, or so we assume… This left us with only Sunday rolls, and a short one at that. Next weekend we finally say goodbye to daylight savings and we’ll have the longest and shortest days of rolls, so remember to check your clocks and keep the time in mind. When I got to the course Sunday morning, my phone was practically dead (didn’t have a chance to change it overnight) so there was no livestream. Thankfully, Tom Wood was out in the chute and got some videos to share. Such a short weekend means that there wasn’t much of a chance for things to happen, but hopefully enough to make this report at least somewhat interesting. Sadly one of my cameras failed again this weekend so I got absolutely no times to mess around with. I’m still playing with some of the footage from a couple weeks ago, so hopefully you can expect something later this week with old data.

In Attendance 

Org Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze
Apex Phoenix
CIA Impulse, Orca, Ascension, Freyja
Fringe Beacon, Bissa, Bedlam, Banyan
PiKA Banshee, Chimera
SDC Vice, Malice, Avarice, Rage
SigEp Mamba, Baraccuda, Pandora
SigNu Bungarus Krait
Spirit Kingpin II, Zuke, Haraka, Seraph, Fuko

Observations (Sunday Gallery) – (I left my camera at a friends house, I will be getting pictures up later today)… Continue reading

Rolls Report: Oct 12 & 13 – Smooth Sailing

If you looked at this weekend and last weekend out of context, you would have guessed that there were several weeks in between. Last week we saw plenty of crashes, both days, and very slow rolls. This time around, most teams have picked up the pace and there were only a couple minor incidents between both days. That, combined with very efficient teams, means both days got several cycles and plenty of rolls for everyone.

Saturday started close to on time and ran incredibly smoothly throughout. In the last half hour or so, some VERY light rain rolled through, which was just enough to pause rolls for a few minutes. The course was still plenty dry after the clouds passed and rolls continued and finished without incident. Saturday also showed the return of SAE and SigNu meaning that all but one org was out on the course that day. Sunday started right on time and continued the same smooth rolls that happened the previous morning. By 8:30, sweepstakes had already gotten in 3 complete cycles. This was only helped by the fact that there were only a handful of orgs out as most of the frats decided to only come out on Saturday.

Our Twitter has started getting regular use again, so if you’d like to always know when new posts go up, pictures get uploaded, or Freerolls start streaming, follow us on twitter @cmubuggy. Also, be sure to spread these reports and this site around and share with your friends whether they do buggy or not.

In Attendance 

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze
Apex Phoenix Phoenix
CIA Impulse, Orca, Freyja Impulse, Orca, Freyja
Fringe Beacon, Bissa, Bedlam, Banyan Beacon, Banyan
PiKA Banshee, Chimera
SAE Lucy, Rubicon
SDC Vice, Malice, Psychosis, Rage Vice, Malice, Psychosis, Rage
SigEp Barracuda, Pandora
SigNu Bungarus Krait
Spirit Kingpin II, Zuke, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko Kingpin II, Zuke, Seraph, Haraka, Fuko

(Roll counts were not updated, this table is subject to change when that happens)

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading

Rolls Report: Oct 5 & 6 – First Full

Coming into this weekend, it was looking very dreary, but somehow we managed to fit in between the weather, or just made it go away all-together. Buggy is now back to normal after the first one day weekend followed by another off and boy did it show.  Even long-standing veteran teams looked like they were caught by surprise when Sunday rolled around.

Saturday went fairly well with only a little excitement from the chute. The weather was warm, the sun was out, the course was dry, and rolls started right about on time. Teams got 3 complete cycles with a few getting 4. The weather gave us a scare Saturday night, but things were clear by the morning and after a few little clean ups around the course teams were off and rolling. There were only 2 complete cycles on Sunday, with Fringe lucking out with a 3rd roll. Rolls themselves were delayed slightly because there were not enough bales wrapping around the corner. On top of that, the course was very damp from the rains overnight.

This is coming out a bit later than we wanted too, but we haven’t written a full one of these in a while, so I guess we have just as many cobwebs to shake off as these teams do.

In Attendance

Org Saturday Sunday
AEPi Kamikaze
Apex Phoenix Phoenix
CIA Impulse, Orca, Freyja, Quasar Impulse, Orca, Freyja
Fringe Bissa, Banyan Bissa, Bedlam, Banyan
PiKA Banshee, Chimera Banshee, Chimera
SDC Vice, Avarice, Malice, Psychosis Vice, Avarice, Malice, Psychosis, Rage
SigEp Pandora, Barracuda Mamba, Pandora, Barracuda
Spirit Kingpin II, Zuke, Haraka, Fuko Kingpin II, Zuke, Seraph, Haraka

Observations (Saturday Gallery | Sunday Gallery) Continue reading