100 Days until Raceday

That’s right, classes haven’t even started but there are only 100 short days to get ready for raceday.  For all the current students out there, that means it’s time to hit the gym and work all night in the garage.  For us alumni, well …  start getting the vocal chords and the liver in shape and make cmubuggy.org your homepage!

To mark the beginning of our march towards raceday, we’ve launched a coordinated attack of promotions.  You’ve probably already received at least one of them, but we wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on anything, so here’s the rundown:

  • With the help of the alumni house we sent an actual physical newsletter in the mail.  You can download a PDF of the newsletter here.
  • The alumni house also helped us send an e-mail to buggy-relevant alumni just to reach out and spread awareness about the BAA’s activities and purpose.
  • This afternoon, we sent out an e-mail to the 345 folks who have registered here on cmubuggy.org.  If you are registered on this site and didn’t get the e-mail, leave a comment or send us an e-mail.  You can also take a look at the email here if you want.

One of the exciting new ideas that we’re rolling out today is a limited-time-only special on becoming a dues paying member for 2010.  We do still need contributions from people that want to support the BAA through their $10 annual dues, but we don’t want to exclude anyone from our slew of awesome members-only benefits, and hey, there’s more to life than money right?  Get on over to the membership section of the site for more details.

So for the next month or so, you can become a card carrying member of the BAA simply by sending in 5 pictures from your heyday in the buggy world to us at admin@cmubuggy.org.  We’ll post them in the gallery and everyone will benefit from a richer, more illustrated history of the coolest sport around.

cmubuggy.org turns 1!

That’s right, it seems like an institution already, but it was only a year ago that cmubuggy.org got started and gave the buggy lovers of the world a place to congregate.  The year-round trash talk, the authoritative source to resolve buggy trivia disputes, and the weekly updates of pictures and news all seemed to have been well received, so they are here to stay.  We want to thank all the alumni and current students that have visited and contributed to the site in the first year. It wouldn’t be any fun without you guys!

For everyone out there that gets a kick out of  quantifying their fun, here are some stats from cmubuggy.org’s first year:

  • 43,000+ visits by 11,900+ “unique” visitors
  • 553,000+ page-views
  • 300+ registered users
  • 1,400+ posts in 72 threads in the forum
  • 1,300+ pictures in the gallery
  • 100+ contributions to the history database (most of which were really many contributions)

Most popular pictures (according to google analytics, not the craptastic view counter in the gallery): Continue reading

Wanted: Pictures and Seniors

Now that the real hangovers have worn off, the buggy hangover is in full swing, and we want to help you deal with the emptiest time of year: post-raceday.

Share your pictures from raceday with the rest of the cmubuggy.org community.  So far we have a decent start with 250 pictures from 4 or 5 people, but there are a lot parts of raceday that aren’t covered at all.  We are especially short on pictures of the back hills (not unusual) and the chute (very unusual!).   So please, upload some of your favorites from this year.  I know I saw lots of cameras out there and there was no shortage of exciting moments to capture.

Check out the 2009 albums

If you have any questions about how to upload, or have so many pictures to upload that it’s arduous to use the web interface, please let us know at admin@cmubuggy.org

Well seniors, you had a hell of an exciting year to go out on, and not a bad 4 year stretch at that.  It’s going to be tough next year being away from things.  Take our word from it, we’ve been there.  Let us help by offering you a year of Dues-Paying-Member benefits for free.  Those benefits include:

  • Fall 2009 Report – get in depth details about the fall semester
  • Spring 2010 Raceday Preview – get the comprehensive coverage of each and every team so that you’re in the loop when you come back to your first raceday as an alum
  • Raceday 2010 Reception – mingle with other alumni after the races
  • Raceday 2010 Wrap-up – a look back on everything that happened

All you have to do is sign up before graduation:

Seniors Sign Up Now

Special raceday features debuted

Check out the raceday-special front page and the new features that we’re unveiling

  • Raceday Buzz – for the folks at home to converse while they watch the cmutv feed
  • Raceday Guide – download your own copy of the ultimate buggy spotter’s guide
  • Leaderboard – check during the races to see a near-live update of the standings
  • Rosters – see which teams are rolling which buggies and being pushed by whom

Also, pictures from Design Comp are already available in the Gallery!

Major history data upgrade

Just in time for our first raceday, the Buggy Alumni Association’s database of buggy history has been seriously upgraded over the lat couple of weeks.  Major accomplishments include:

  • The entire backlog of history contributions has now been processed and added to the database.  Thanks so much for your contributions so far, and sorry that it took us so long to add them into the system.
  • Additional data from past buggy books, the History of Buggy presentation, and old Tartan records has been added such that we now have full records of times and places going back through the 80’s and times and places for the top 5 or 6 going back through the 60’s
  • Having more complete data allowed us to add more data to the organization pages.  You’ll now see a summary of the last 20 years of places and times for each organization
  • Similar improvements to the Person and Buggy pages reflect more of their individual histories

So check it all out in the History section

Having this much more data in the system opens the doors for you to help us find errors and fill in holes in the data.   To streamline things a bit more, we’ve added standardized forms for Race, Organization, and Buggy data.  Check those out on the Contribute Data page

Huge thanks to Scott Ziolko for doing the hard dirty work with all of the data for this update.  We never would have been able to work through the backlog without him.

RSS feeds added

We know, it’s tough. You don’t want to miss anything going on here, but you can’t be checking all parts of the site for new activity every 10 minutes. RSS to the rescue.

The way we’ve set it up is that you can subscribe to any of the sections of the site, or to the one “ultimate” feed which merges the other feeds.

The Ultimate Feed (forum + gallery + news + news comments)
Forum Posts
Gallery Uploads
News Posts
Comments on News Posts

I would of course recommend the Ultimate

Buggy Portraits feature added

I have just added a new album in the gallery called Buggy Portraits

We can now link pictures from this album to the profile of each buggy so that we can put a face with the name in the history section. Currently the album has 46 pictures which means we’re missing pictures for 142 of the 188 buggies currently in the database. If you have a good picture of a missing buggy, please add it to the album, and we’ll have it linked up asap.

[Ed Note: Updated to be a working link to a modern version of the same thing as of September 2023 — we also now are missing photos of only 19 of 563 buggies, as of this writing.]