Rolls Report: Nov. 11 & 12 – Look at Those Roll Arounds

No, you’re not reading the post title wrong, there were indeed 2 days of Buggy this week. Teams graced the course both Saturday and Sunday getting in some chilly practice before ice and snow descend upon the ‘Burgh. Whether it was due to uncomfortable wind chills (< 28 F) or internal reasons, only 5 teams, including Robobuggy, made it out on Saturday. By 7:30am, the small number of Saturday teams couldn’t keep up with the designated roll order and organized chaos replaced the roster. While the temperature still sat below freezing on Sunday, the wind had died down and the course was dry.

One of the more entertaining events of Saturday (from a spectator’s view) was Sweepstakes trying to remove 2 patches of ice from the Chute. After kicking and scraping at the ice failed, they turned to leaf blowers. Unfortunately, leaf blowers only pump out slightly-warmer-than-ambient air. They were eventually able to defeat the ice using a combination of hand warmers and hot packs. The effort was well-worth it as we saw no accidents in the Chute. The Saturday breeze was strong and regular enough to shove the barricades onto the course at both ends of Schenley drive (Hill 2 and Chute turn)

To give an idea of the chill in the air, one reporter overheard a pusher grumbling “I think my earrings are frozen to my ear.”

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Potential New CMU Shop Policy in the Works

As many of you have likely seen, the Mechanical Engineering department has a new makerspace/machine shop “TechSpark” which has brought some conversations and scrutiny on existing student shops. There has been a letter circulating which includes some very frightening language claiming that they aim to shut down and remove all student equipment, stifling innovation, and potentially killing the sport as we know it. Until recently, this is all the information we’ve had to go on as CMU hasn’t put out a statement on the topic. To that end, I would like to take some time to talk about what is going on, what we know currently, and where this is headed. I had a chance to talk with Kaycee, who, on top of being the sweepstakes adviser, also helps run the student shop registration process which has been in affect for the past 3-4 years.

*Disclaimer, this is not an official statement by CMU, this is purely my take-aways from my conversation, which I would love to discuss in more depth with those that are interested.

*EDIT- I was informed of some misunderstandings and have made corrections below. Continue reading

Rolls Report: Nov. 4 – Definitely not summer anymore

And we’re back! Due to some unfortunate weather patterns, absentee alumni, missing permits, and Halloween, Buggy reports have been on hiatus for the better part of the last month. Despite the ever dropping temperatures, Buggies finally found their way back to the course and we had a full weekend day of rolls!

Saturday practice was cancelled, but not for lack trying on Sweepstakes end. The call didn’t come until 1am when it was clear that the weather wasn’t going to cooperate. The dreary weather failed to dampen the teams’ spirits and spectators were treated to some mechanics and pushers dressing up in the spirit of Halloween. The wet weekend was a ghoulish nightmare for the sweepers, who had to put in some extra elbow grease to remove soggy leaves from the Chute. This caused a slight delay in the start time.

I have a note here from our reporter on the scene that the quote of the day was: “Only the Friwizard can wear the hat!” Not sure what that means, and sadly we don’t have a picture to go with the quote. 

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Rolls Report: Oct 7 – It might still be summer…

Apologies for the delay in reporting, folks. The usual writers for the weekly Rolls Report all became terribly distracted with our real jobs…

Due to lacking permits, Buggies were only rolling this past Sunday, but the teams just packed a full weekend of enthusiasm into one day. Pittsburgh’s weather was still functioning on its own calendar and by 6am it was a balmy 74F. Though, the warm temperatures allowed some teams to pick up some decent speed and impressive roll outs for this early in the season.

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BAA Financial Report – Fiscal Year 2018

Hey everyone, it’s your friendly neighborhood BAA Treasurer!  There were no rolls this weekend, so instead of your standard rolls report, we here at BAA HQ decided to give you a financial report!  We’re often asked a few questions related to finances, such as “where do my donations go?” and “how much money does the BAA have?”  So this year, we’ve decided to increase the BAA’s transparency and open the books! Continue reading

Rolls Report: Sept 25 – Buggies are Back!

Aaaannnnnnnnnd we’re back, Buggy Time!

Conditions around the course this Sunday morning were mostly good; warm for rolls and the roadway remained in much the same condition that it was during Raceday. However, the inclusions of construction around the Posner building displaced CIA to the bottom of Hill one. In addition, three dumpsters on the back hills required some extra bales to be distributed and the pushers to be more awake than usual. Well, just awake anyway.

Police were not secured for the outer barricades this weekend causing all teams to contribute additional personnel to stand guard around the course.

Our new Sweepstakes chairpeople for this year have developed a rotating system of overseeing Rolls. The new chairman, Hunter Rideout, was absent this weekend, but some familiar faces were present: Elyce Milligan, last year’s Assistant Chairman, has returned as Safety Chair, at least for the Fall Semester. Joyce Chen, the SDC chair RD18, has taken the mantle of Assistant Chairman for Sweepstakes. Jasio Santillan is back running things, but we aren’t quite sure of his official position. All of them grooming are “Bonnie” for the safety chair role she will fill in the spring semester. It’s all a little unconventional, but given the breadth and depth of knowledge at the top of the hill, we predict smooth rolling.

The first Roll was scheduled for 7:00am, so the 7:10 start due to some frantic last-minute Chute sweeping was not bad at all. The delay also gave Atlas a chance to sneak in an early Roll. We started the Roll order with 9 teams present, missing only SigNu and SAE from the predicted list. Hopefully we’ll be seeing those teams later in the semester.

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The First Weekend of Rolls is Here!

Welcome back to another fall semester at CMU; we are 4 weeks into the semester and students are knee deep in their first round of midterms. It’s the perfect time to bust out the Buggies! The first day of Rolls will be Sunday the 23rd, with the first buggy scheduled to hit the course at 7am. We look forward to an amazing start to all sorts of Buggy-goodness.

In other news, the BAA HQ is abuzz with activity where we are hard at work prepping some awesome things for Buggy’s 99th year. Our head of communications, Aileen, is collecting updates and articles for our fall newsletter and for the first time in a long time, our Treasurer is preparing a high level financial summary that will be put out as its own post here to give all of our member a peek behind the scenes.
And if you’re around for Family Weekend (Oct 12-14) or Homecoming (Oct 26-27) this fall, come join us at Rolls for coffee and doughnuts both weekends as well as the always fascinating History of Buggy  by Tom Wood!

The Results are In – Welcome new BAA officers!

Thanks to the 15 of you who took the time to express your opinion, the results are unanimous! Please help me to welcome the new BAA officers for the Raceday 2019 season –

  • Jeremy Tuttle – Vice President, re-elected for second term
  • Ethan Gladding – Graphics specialist *New*
  • Rachael Schmitt – Secretary *New*
  • Will Weiner – Broadcast Coordinator *New*

I couldn’t be happier to add these names to our outstanding roster of officers, and we’ve got a number of exciting meetings already in the works for the summer. Thank you for being involved Alumni volunteers and BAA members, we would not be able to do the things we do without your time and support!

Polls are Closing – Vote then watch the 2018 Finals

Hey YOU, have you voted for our new officers yet? No? GO DO IT NOW! We’ll be closing the ballots THIS SUNDAY (June 24th), so join us as part of the BAA and have your voice heard!

Already voted? Then check out the 2018 Finals races and Exhibitions now uploaded to our Youtube, Thanks again to Connor Hayes for putting in the effort to chop up the stream into each race and of course cmuTV for their continued effort and fantastic production work.

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BAA 2018 Elections!

Thanks to everyone that submitted nominations for our open positions this year. We have a great list of nominees for each position. All nominees have been contacted, all are excited to join the team, and we are excited to work with them!

Only one step remains, it’s time for each of you to have your voice heard and vote in our new officers. Either follow the link here, or fill out the below ballot to submit your vote!

Thank you for being involved in this process and we can’t wait to get started planning for the 99th year of BUGGY!