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Hello all buggy friends!! Happy first rolls report of the year!
Despite the last few years, we were fortunate to be graced by a pretty normal first weekend of rolls by the buggy gods. After Saturday was unfortunately cancelled due to a variety of issues (no officers, cars and construction equipment on the course, unpaved rolls), teams came out STRONG on Sunday, despite some difficult challenges:
Definitely an interesting weekend…
Continue readingThe following is a summary of Bylaws updates and revisions that have been proposed and voted on by Sweepstakes Committees and Org Chairs over the last few years in support of Buggy100, the COVID-19 pandemic, and codifications of current normal procedures. All of these changes have now been fully collected and included in the updated Bylaws here!
Continue readingNew this year, the BAA is rolling out subcommittees to help us tackle our goals quickly and generate new ideas. Each subcommittee will be made up of BAA board members as well as alumni and current students. All groups are currently looking for new members so please contact the emails below if you are interested! Each subcommittee will set its own meeting schedule, but meetings will likely be held on a monthly basis. Many of the subcommittees will share information on our Discord server, which you can join at cmubuggy.org/chat. Additionally, our BAA discord is always a great place to hear from other members and share ideas and memories!