The sweepstakes committee cited below-freezing temperatures as the reason for canceling both days’ rolls. Regardless, only a handful of orgs were caped and ready, and backup for chores looked thin. Stay tuned for next week.
Fall rolls end with anticlimax
Fall rolls 2008 came to a cold and boring end with a pair of cancellations and no mini-raceday for the men’s teams. I know I usually call the current kids wimps for canceling because of cold, but it was 16 degrees, windy, and icy this morning. Fair enough.
Some end of the semester stats :
- There were 355 total rolls over 6 days (4 days canceled)
- Sweepstakes averaged 30.6 buggies around the course per scheduled hour of rolls
- 12 orgs rolled a total of 32 different buggies
- Fringe (74) and SDC (63) send the most buggies down the hill, while KDR (10) and SAE (8) took the fall a bit easier.
- The most active buggy-driver combo was Fringe’s Jess in Blizzard with 18 rolls
- According to one timing source (additional sources of data welcome), orgs stacked up like this according to their fastest freeroll of the semester
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Freeroll Practice 11/15-16/2008
Nov 15: Rolls cancelled due to rain.
Nov 16: It was cold, but not enough to keep everyone inside. Seven orgs rolled, Spirit had a crash, and Fringe won Women’s Mini-Raceday.
Rolling Orgs (buggies): SDC (4: Psychosis, Addiction, Envy, Rage), Pioneers (1: Chaos), Fringe (4: Bristol, Banyan, Blizzard, Brazen), PhiKap (2: Svengali and Shadenfraude?), CIA (2: Mirage and Firebird), Spirit (2: Haraka and Kingpin?), PiKA (2: Knightfall and ?)
Not Rolling: SAE tried to come out, but were missing their driver.
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Freeroll Practice 11/8-9/08
Nov 8: Rolls canceled due to rain overnight.
Nov 9: AEPi spun and PiKA hit the inner haybales
Rolling Orgs: Spirit (1), AEPi (2: Zephyrus and Camo), SigNu (3), PiKA (3), SDC (4: Rage, Addiction, Psychosis, Envy), Pioneers (1: Chaos?), Fringe (4), SigEp (2), CIA (1: Conquest)
Former Safety Chair John Novak was visiting.
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Freeroll Practice, 11/02/08
Nov 2: The organizations got through the roll order exactly 4 times with no major issues on the longest day of freerolls in the Fall.
Rolling Orgs: Spirit (1 buggy), KDR (1 buggy), SAE (1 buggy), AEPi (2 buggies), Sig Nu (2 buggies), PiKA (3 buggies), SDC (4 buggies), Pioneers (1 buggy), Fringe (4 buggies), PhiKap (2 buggies), SigEp (2 buggies: Pandora and the new buggy built this past Spring), and CIA (2 buggies: Firebird and Conquest)
Not rolling: Beta
SDC had the Flip video splint on their buggies again. This time it went around the course twice on Addiction‘s inner side facing forward. (Now there’s a video I’d like to see on youtube.) For the second two rolls, the camera was mounted on Psychosis and faced back and upward at the pushers.
Pioneers is finally out at rolls and rolling Chaos.
Note: Addendum added 11/03/08, 09:15 EST Continue reading
Freeroll Practice 10/25-26/2008
Oct 25: Rolls canceled due to rain. The Homecoming Events continued (Saturday Events Gallery).
Oct 26: Eleven orgs and quite a few alumni were present at freerolls on Sunday.
Rolling Orgs: SAE, AEPi, SigNu, PiKA, SDC, Fringe, PhiKap, SigEp, CIA, Spirit, KDR
Number of Buggies: four for SDC and Fringe, three for CIA, SigNu, and PiKA, and two for KDR. (This information was not recorded during rolls, so may be innacurate.)
Not rolling: Beta had an off-campus party on Saturday night, either for Homecoming or because they can’t party next week due to an away game. Pioneers has not yet qualified a buggy for rolls.
CMUtv was filming rolls. They are definitely starting early.
Rolls were slightly delayed as Hills 4 and 5 were swept of leaves again. Sweepers also worked on the backhills between rolls later in the morning. The orgs got through the roll order about 2 and a half times.
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Freeroll Practice, 10/19/08
Stay updated with cmubuggy RSS Feeds. Don’t miss the Homecoming News post. Also bookmark the Buggy Geeks journal for further updates, stories, and different views on buggy news.
Pioneers did not roll today because didn’t pass capes. Driver/chair Vincent Zeng, former CIA chair and driver, tipped over in Keres during a cape attempt and the pushbar broke. We wish them luck and hope to seem them out soon.
With most teams scratched for Mid-Semester break, today’s freerolls seemed destined for chaos and anarchy. However, with Sweepstakes chair Andrew Hundt’s good foresight and a lot of cooperation from the teams, the day went smoothly. An interim assistant chair was appointed for the weekend to help with Sweepstakes duties. Alumni were solicited for barricade duty, but it wasn’t necessary in the end because non-rolling teams came out to do their chores.
Six teams rolled, seven scratched, and “rollarounds” were allowed. In theory this means that a team completing their freeroll has the option to roll again from the top of Hill 2 if the following team scratches. In reality, it meant that some teams just rolled whenever there was a gap. Here’s the breakdown.
Click on buggy names for info and a picture.
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First day of freerolls
It was an exciting morning as ten teams turned out for the first day of freeroll practice. The sun was shining, buggies were bagged and lots of new drivers took the wheel to kick off the ’08-’09 season. The Sweepstakes committee did a great job of getting things moving and keeping the momentum through the morning. Here’s how the teams faired:
Pioneers, and Beta did not roll. CIA did Beta’s chores for the day, and the Phipps barricades were guarded by three of CIA’s six drivers.
KDR had a very short first day on the course, hitting the curb near transition after being the first buggy to roll for the year. They scratched the rest of the day.
SAE/Kappa: This combo team of SAE and Kappa Kappa Gamma brings back SAE’s late 90s buggy, Rubicon, and gives Kappa’s sisters a little more refined machine than Ursula. First roll, hatch dragged through the chute. Second roll, the driver lost visibility and made a beeline for the monument, nearly hitting it before making a sharp right turn towards the curb and stopping just in time.
AEPi: Big attendance, two buggies (Zephyrus and Camo).
SigNu: The Zoo rolled King of Spades, Tenth Commandment, and Skua. A memorable hill 5 was pushed by this guy: