Summary of 2021 Bylaws Updates

The following is a summary of Bylaws updates and revisions that have been proposed and voted on by Sweepstakes Committees and Org Chairs over the last few years in support of Buggy100, the COVID-19 pandemic, and codifications of current normal procedures. All of these changes have now been fully collected and included in the updated Bylaws here!

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New BAA Subcommittees for 2021

New this year, the BAA is rolling out subcommittees to help us tackle our goals quickly and generate new ideas. Each subcommittee will be made up of BAA board members as well as alumni and current students. All groups are currently looking for new members so please contact the emails below if you are interested! Each subcommittee will set its own meeting schedule, but meetings will likely be held on a monthly basis. Many of the subcommittees will share information on our Discord server, which you can join at Additionally, our BAA discord is always a great place to hear from other members and share ideas and memories!

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BAA Election Results and New Officers for 2021-2023 Term

Hi all, here are your new officers for the 2021-2023 term!

Connor Hayes

Rolls Reporting Officer:
Tishya Girdhar

Madison Scott

The remaining officer was re-elected to her position and we’re overjoyed to have Communications Officer Linna Griffin returning for a second term.

Thanks everyone for voting and participating in the election process! I will be in contact to get our new officers on board as quickly as possible and look forward to building an amazing buggy experience next year.

BAA Elections for 2022 Term

Greetings BAA members,

The time has finally arrived to vote on our officers for the 2021-2023 term. Thank you for your patience during the nomination process. All officer terms are for two years with potential for one re-election to the same position for a second term. Each position requires at least 20 votes or votes of confidence. Additionally, each position will have a write in option. We have 1 contested race and 3 no-contest races on the ballot:

Contested Races:
President (Dave Singh, Connor Hayes, Matt Gallabrese)

Uncontested Races:
Communications (Linna Griffin)
Rolls Reporter (Tishya Girdhar)
Webmaster (Madison Scott)

To cast your vote, click below!

Voting is open until May 21st!

Rolls Report: May 1 & 2 – Mini Raceday

This year’s Raceday looked very different from those in the past. The years 2020 and 2021 brought a lot of challenges for students and the buggy community as a whole. However, despite all odds, I’m excited to report that CMU once again got to see some buggies racing around the course.

This year’s timed trials ran similarly to the Mini Racedays that typically occur in the fall. Before getting to the times and observations, I thought it would be helpful to preface this report with some of the changes and rules that were established to ensure that these rolls were carried out as safely as possible.

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April Showers Bring…May Raceday

We’ve made it to (Mini-)Raceday!  COVID has dealt a number of blows to Buggy over the past year, but Sweepstakes worked incredibly hard to get buggies back on the course this Spring and now it’s time to crown a champion. 

For the first time in 50 years, Raceday returns to its roots; the month of May. We’ll be live-streaming Mini-Raceday on both Saturday, May 1 and Sunday, May 2, beginning at ~6:15AM ET.  You can watch along at, and of course, the Discord is always open for alumni and students to watch and talk together (and based on past experience, there might even be additional camera angles).

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Rolls Report: Apr. 24 – Pandemic Pandemonium

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Pandemic Pandemonium?!?!

No, not really. To be honest, not all that much happened at rolls and there certainly wasn’t any pandemonium.

Luckily there are no stops or accidents to report this weekend (although, it makes for boring reading). However, teams were out with full push teams in preparation for next week!

This upcoming Saturday, the early morning will serve as practice time for some teams and then Spirit will have timed runs a little bit later. Sunday will consist of timed runs for the remaining teams (CIA, PiKA, Apex, SDC, Fringe, and SigEp). You can watch the livestream of this year’s Rolls/Raceday hybrid with the following link:

Buggy Live 2021

The College of Engineering social media team also recently put together this video spotlighting buggy! Watch how the current students are managing to keep the sport alive even in the midst of a pandemic:

CoE Buggy 2021 Video

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In Attendance

FringeBlind Faith, Baltic
SigEpKraken, Barracuda
SpiritSeraph, Zuke

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Observations (Gallery Currently Unavailable)

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I do want to give a shoutout to SDC! Congratulations on Bane’s 47th roll this semester. An incredibly impressive number given well… everything going on this year. Keep up the good work!

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Buggies in Hollywood:

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To make up for the lack of content please enjoy some more memes. Stay tuned for next week’s theme: Buggies in Geography!

This week I’ve found a number of buggies appearing on the silver screen. Name the buggy characters and their movies!

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space space space

Check out our Instagram:
Our Twitter:

Join in Discussions on Discord:

And keep an eye out on the CMU official Social Media platforms for buggy related news:

Rolls Report Contributors:

Jasio S.

Sweepstakes (for being my eyes and ears at Rolls)

Various Team and University Instagram Accounts

My brother for teaching me how to remove white backgrounds of buggy pictures for my memes.

Rolls Report: Apr. 17 & 18 – A Corona Carnival

I don’t have the energy for anything creative this week RIP

The Rolls Reporting Officer doesn’t usually report on rolls during Carnival (that’s someone else’s job). But these rolls weren’t technically Raceday so I suppose it weirdly falls under my jurisdiction… just another unprecedented buggy first. Anywho, there were a few hiccups, but overall teams were able to get some practice and show off their newest additions this past weekend. Most buggies got between 3 to 5 rolls each day with a couple of exceptions. The lower numbers were likely due to some Rolls holds (something very much not unprecedented.)

Our usual fleet of buggies was out this weekend (sans SigEp) and with the addition of Atlas stopping by for some data collection. Saturday saw some delay when a pusher was checked out for an injury on the backhills, but things were soon back on track. There was a bit more of a serious accident on Sunday, but we’ll get to that later (everyone’s okay now!). Sunday Rolls were also temporarily put on hold when the course had a very ominous amount of fog. Students were given the choice of waiting out the fog or becoming part of a Stephen King novel, and very luckily chose the former. Check out these spectacularly spooky pictures taken just before Transition and in the Chute.

No description available.
No description available.
That’s just creepy…

It’s too late for this nonsense

This weekend’s practice sessions were not timed, but don’t worry Buggy fans! Sweepstakes is working on some timed Rolls coming up in place of a traditional Raceday. However, it was Carnival weekend and Design Comp carried on. Congratulations to Fringe and Apex for placing this year. Fringe’s Baltic and Blind Faith placed first and second respectively, and Molotov won Apex’s first ever Design Comp win with third place! Congrats guys, you’ve made this old, irrelevant alum quite proud.

A Post-Design Comp Photo Shoot

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Since it was Carnival Weekend, we do have some good news! Students and staff were able to get some cameras set up and livestream last weekend’s practices. If you weren’t able to catch the livestreams, checkout the two highlight videos below!

Buggy Free Roll April 17th Highlights

Buggy Free Roll April 18th Highlights

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In Attendance

AtlasBaby Buggy
ApexFirefly, Molotov
CIAAurora, Kingfisher
Fringe Blind Faith, Baltic
PiKABanshee, Ckliodhna
SpiritSeraph, Zuke

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Observations (Gallery Currently Unavailable)

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Atlas was back out this weekend with Baby Buggy. Hopefully they were able to collect some good data before nap time.

No description available.

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Apex unveiled Molotov’s paint job this weekend. I think teams really brought out their A game with this year’s paint jobs. Molotov seemed to steal the spotlight from Firefly who was also out this weekend with the team’s first ever Design Comp win, but I am VERY okay with that. Congrats again!

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CIA was out on Saturday with its two newest buggies: Aurora and Kingfisher. This is the first time Aurora has been out this year, and for those of you unaware, Aurora is the first CIA buggy in decades to feature a dropping pushbar. For any 70’s CIA alum, your legacy is still very much alive!

No description available.
No description available.

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Fringe shared the course only with PiKA on Sunday, rolling it’s two newest buggies: Baltic and Blind Faith. Both these buggies also took home 1st and 2nd place at this year’s Design Comp continuing their winning streak. Fringe sure does know how to build ’em. Here’s a picture of Baltic sporting a new look too:

No description available.

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PiKA returned after mysteriously vanishing last weekend, but ran into some trouble. Unfortunately, Sunday’s practice session was put on hold after an accident where Cleo crashed straight into the Chute’s outer bales. It’s unclear what caused the accident and when we’ll see Cleo back on the course. Luckily, the driver was checked out by EMS and is doing just fine now!

No description available.

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SDC and Spirit rolled on Saturday incident free and shared the highest number of rolls this weekend with Bane and Seraph both making it around the course 8 times.

No description available.
No description available.

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Movie/TV Parody of the Week:

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Stay tuned for next week’s Rolls Report because I’m going to be playing with this section a bit more. Guess the buggy related title!

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Check out our Instagram:
Our Twitter:

Join in Discussions on Discord:

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And keep an eye out on the CMU official Social Media platforms for buggy related news:

Rolls Report Contributors:

Jasio S.

Sweepstakes and Dave (for being my eyes and ears at Rolls)

Various Team and University Instagram Accounts

My brother for teaching me how to remove white backgrounds of buggy pictures for my memes.

Rolls Report: Apr. 10 – Rock and Rolls

Hey Tishya,

This Rolls Report will be relatively short. Unfortunately, Sunday was rained out, but the few teams that were out were able to get some good practice in. Saturday rolls ran smoothly without any incidents with fou… three teams out.

Good luck

In Attendance

FringeBlind Faith, Baltic
SigEpKraken, Hydra

Painting those lines

Observations (Gallery Currently Unavailable)

At least it’s not as cold as when we did it.

Fringe rolled stop free with their newest members of their Fringe framily. Blind Faith and Baltic got 8 and 7 rolls, respectively.

‘Twas quite unpleasant…

SDC‘s Bane got 13 rolls in one day! Wow! Congrats to SDC for that achievement. It’s very rare we see roll counts in the double digits for a single day of rolls.

Elyce is still salty that I didn’t help both days.

SigEp‘s Hydra and Kraken got 5 and 4 rolls, respectively before scratching for the day. With SigEp out of the picture, Fringe and SDC racked up rolls with some rollarounds similar to the first weekend.

The good thing is

PiKA was scheduled to show up this weekend, but bailed at the last minute leaving behind this ominous scene (their team’s tent in total disarray).

we set the bar for painting real real real low…

Movie Parody of the Week:

You really can’t

Guess the buggy related movie title!

possibly do any worse than we did.

Check out our Instagram:
Our Twitter:

Join in Discussions on Discord:

Well… have fun!

And keep an eye out on the CMU official Social Media platforms for buggy related news:

Rolls Report Contributors:

Jasio S.

Sweepstakes (for being my eyes and ears at rolls)

Rolls Report: Apr. 03 & 04 – Third Time’s the Charm

If anyone else

Welcome to 2021’s third Rolls Report! This week brings us a new buggy, the return of an old team, movie references, and a whole lot of rolls.

is reading these,

In Attendance

Apex Phoenix, Molotov
CIA Emperor, Kingfisher
FringeBoson, Baltic
PiKABanshee, Clyodhna
SigEpKraken, Hydra
Spirit Seraph

you can blame Tishya

Observations (Gallery Currently Unavailable)

and Vidya

Apex debuted their their newest buggy, Molotov! Phoenix and Molotov got 7 and 8 rolls in respectively.

for it taking so long.

CIA, thank you for being the only team to update your Instagram account with pictures. I appreciate it <3. Emperor and Kingfisher got 7 and 8 in respectively.

And maybe me

Fringe encountered some vision problems, but managed to get 10 rolls in Baltic (the most of any buggy this weekend) and Boson returned for two rolls.

a little bit…

PiKA has returned! Banshee was reported to have some windshield problems and scratched after its first roll, but Cleo got in 7 roll this Saturday.

My b.

SDC, SigEp, and Spirit rolled problem free this weekend. Bane and Seraph rolled 8 times each. SigEp also got 8 rolls if you combine Hydra and Kraken’s counts.

01001000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010

Movie Parody of the Week:

00100000 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101010 01110101

This new segment combines my love of memes and pop culture references. Guess the buggy related movie title!

01110011 01110100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000

Check out our Instagram:
Our Twitter:

Join in Discussions on Discord:

01100110 01110101 01101110 00101110

And keep an eye out on the CMU official Social Media platforms for buggy related news:

Rolls Report Contributors:

Jasio S.

Sweepstakes (for being my eyes and ears at rolls)