Rolls Report November 16, 17 & Semester in Review!

November 16 & 17 were the last rolls of 2024. Here at BAA Rolls Report HQ we took a little break, but now we are back with your final rolls report of 2024. It was not a sleepy last weekend; we saw the season debut of a storied buggy org and great weather meant teams continued to get many rolls. We also have a season summary to tide you over to the spring, read on!

We are channeling this week

ApexMolotov, Scorch
CIARoadrunner, Emperor, KingfisherKingfisher, Equinox
SDCVice, BaneVice, Bane, Lust, Avarice
SpiritInviscid, ZukeInviscid, Zuke, Kingpin

Photos: Saturday Gallery (upload) / Sunday Gallery (upload)

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Rolls Report November 9 & 10 : Rain Dance

Thanks again to those who joined us for Homecoming and Mini-Raceday last week. We hope all of you enjoyed reviewing some actual buggy data! This weekend had two smooth days of rolls with no buggy incidents. The most notable thing was a little rain Sunday, and the most notable thing about that was how notable it was (as Pittsburgh is in the midst of a drought)!

Credit to Guillermo Gomez for this Scorch action shot

ApexMolotov, Scorch
CIARoadrunner, Emperor, KingfisherRoadrunner, Emperor
FringeBurnout, BlackbirdBlackbird
RobobuggyShort Circuit, NANDShort Circuit, NAND
SDCVice, Bane, LustVice, Bane, Lust
SpiritInviscid, Zuke, SeraphInviscid, Seraph, Kingpin

Photos: Saturday Gallery (upload) / Sunday Gallery (upload)

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BAA Survey & New Board Member!

A few quick news updates from the BAA!

First, congratulations to Cynthia Xu, who has been elected as our new Comms chair! Cynthia is a 2023 SPIRIT Alum and we’re excited to have her join the board!

Second, we recently sent out our October member’s newsletter. If you are a member (check the list), and you didn’t get it in your email, please make sure we have your most recent contact information by filling in this member update form.

Finally, we’re running a survey for everyone who considers themself a part of the buggy community to let us know what matters most to you. Regardless of if you are a student, alumni, or just a fan, please give us your feedback!

Rolls Report November 2 & 3 : Mini Raceday!

Welcome to the 2024 Mini Raceday Rolls Report! Thanks to the preparation and very cooperative weather this year, the teams had built up some impressive speed this fall season.The weather was a little chilly but we still had some impressive rolls, read on to see!

ApexFirefly, ScorchFirefly, Solaris
CIARoadrunner, Emperor, KingfisherEmperor, Kingfisher
FringeBaltic, BlackbirdBaltic, Burnout, Bumper
SDCVice, Lust, BaneVice, Avarice, Bane
SpiritKingpin, Zuke, Seraph, InvisicdKingpin, Zuke, Seraph, Invisicd

Photos: Saturday Gallery (upload) / Sunday Gallery (upload)

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Rolls Report October 26 & 27

This was an eventful weekend out on the buggy course! After two weeks off for Fall Break, the teams returned and wow- we had a lot going on. A team making its season debut, freshly painted Hill 1 lines, mechanical failures in the chute, Buggy Halloween costumes, and a rogue police car causing a very concerning incident on the course.

ApexFirefly, MolotovScorch, Molotov
CIARoadrunner, Goldfinch, KingfisherEmperor, Goldfinch
FringeBaltic, Blackbird, BurnoutBaltic, Blackbird
SDCVice, Avarice, BaneVice, Lust, Bane
SigNuBungarus Krait
SpiritKingpin, Zuke, SeraphKingpin, Zuke, Seraph, Invisicd

Photos: Saturday Gallery (upload) / Sunday Gallery (upload)

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[Updated] Communications Chair Nominations

UPDATE: The BAA Officers have nominated Cynthia Xu as Comms Chair. If there are no additional nominations by November 5, she will be automatically elected as per our Vacancy rules.

We currently have a vacancy at the position of Communications Chair. Would you or any of your friends like to run the BAA’s social media pages, coordinate posts for the website, and handle communications and newsletters for the BAA membership? If so, please nominate yourself or someone else here. This position is a two-year term through Spring 2026.

If you might be interested but have questions about the role, feel free to reach out to me or our previous Comms Chair, Dave Singh.

Funding for Safety and New Builds

The Buggy Enhancement Grant Committee, and the BAA have two new options for teams that would like additional financial support.

If your team has not rolled a new buggy in the past 4 years, the BAA will reimburse up to $500 of build related expenses. This applies to new and ongoing builds. Reach out to Diya Nuxoll <> if you are interested in taking advantage of this funding!

Existing buggies have been granted up to $200 for improvements to the harness attachment system. This Buggy Enhancment Grant includes funds for 10 buggies, with the option for some discretionary funding for tools and bulk purchases. Reach out to Wade Gordon <> if you are interested taking advantage of this funding.

Even if neither of these apply to your team, reach out to the BAA Teams Committee if you would like help finding sustainable sources of funding for your team, need advice to support your build, or need to find an extra set of hands for a critical work session.

Rolls Report October 5 & 6: Finally Fall

The Buggy teams returned to the course this past weekend after a week break. Temperatures cooled off, but the buggy teams were heating up with some full Hill 1s, another returning Greek team, and a few incidents that come with teams building speed and helping new drivers try out the course. All the hallmarks of an exciting weekend of rolls- read on for more!

SDC had the most buggies out this weekend- almost the full rainbow

ApexFirefly, Solaris, ScorchFirefly, Scorch
CIARoadrunner, Emperor, GoldfinchRoadrunner, Kingfisher, Goldfinch
FringeBumper, BlackbirdBaltic, Blackbird, Burnout
SDCVice, Inferno, Vanity, AvariceVice, Avarice, Vanity, Bane
SigEpKraken, Hydra
SpiritInviscid, Zuke, SeraphInviscid, Zuke, Seraph

Photos: Saturday Gallery (upload) / Sunday Gallery (upload)

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No Rolls Report: Meet 2024-2025 Sweepstakes!

Rolls were not held this weekend due to the Richard S. Caliguiri City of Pittsburgh Great Race. This 10K winds from Squirrel Hill near Frick Park down to Point State Park in Downtown Pittsburgh, necessitating many road closures and detours. (Given the weather we had this weekend, we might not have had rolls anyway.)

Fear not, buggy fans- we still have content to bring you this week! The Sweepstakes committee was kind enough to take time from catching up on sleep to share a little bit about themselves with our alumni. These are the people that really make buggy happen, and I speak for all alumni when I say- THANK YOU! Read on to meet them!

The Great Race Start Line (@thegreatrace on instagram)

The roads were closed Sunday for runners, not buggies- weird!

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Buggy Course Tour

Welcome to the course! Whether you follow along while you take a walk around Schenley Park or opt to explore the course virtually, this tour aims to provide some insight into the sport of Buggy at CMU! This tour begins at the intersection of Margaret Morrison and Tech St and works clockwise around Flagstaff Hill. You can use either the map below or the link to Google Maps to navigate!

Link to Google Maps

(1) Start Line — Start of Tour

Welcome to the Buggy Course! During this self-guided tour, you’ll be able to follow along along the 0.8 mile course that the buggies complete.

2006 – The start of Men’s Heat 1, with SDC C’s Rage in Lane 1 (left), SigEp D’s Quest in Lane 2 (middle), and CIA B’s Firebird in Lane 3 (right).

(2) Hill 1 — Overview of Buggy

Buggy, formally known as the Sweepstakes Races is a race held annually at Carnegie Mellon’s Spring Carnival where teams of students race vehicles that they have designed and built around Schenley Park. Buggy originally started in 1920 and has remained an ongoing tradition at Carnegie Mellon over the past 100 years. In that time, the rules and regulations of the sport have evolved along with technological advances that make the buggies what they are today.

2013 – Hill 1 of Women’s Prelims Heat 5, with CIA C’s Amy Hung pushing Impulse in Lane 2 (left) and Fringe B’s Gloriana Redondo pushing Beacon in Lane 3 (right). Credit: Joseph Anderson

(3) Hill 1/2 Transition — A Relay Race (of sorts)

Of course, this race is different from many others. The buggies themselves aren’t able to have internal power sources, but the course consists of 2 uphill sections and 1 downhill section. A team of pushers is required to move the buggies uphill. The first uphill portion is broken into 2 sections, known as Hill 1 and Hill 2. There are an additional 3 “Hills” for the second uphill portion. This area around this stop sign is the first of four transition zones, where one pusher is able to pass off control of the buggy to the next pusher.

2023 – SigEp A’s Matt Adetula shoves Barracuda to Jayson Shin and goes down at the Hill 1-2 Transition in Lane 1 of Men’s Prelims Heat 3, as CIA C’s Emperor is pushed up Hill 1 in Lane 2 in the background. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University

(4) Hill 2 Pushoff — The Freeroll

Now, we start into the downhill portion of the race, known as the “freeroll.” At this point, the driver is in complete control of the buggy. The roads look a lot different from 2 inches off the ground! They get experience from a lot of practice and some teams like to review their driving with the aid of go pros. There are a couple of navigation aids that the drivers use as well. There is a flag that aids them as they come over the 3 way intersection and cross over the road. Teams have another flag set up right before drivers make a big turn into the chute.

Fall 2024 – Fringe’s Baltic travels down the Freeroll during Rolls on September 15, 2024. Credit: Matt Gallabrese

(5) Circuit Road — What are Rolls?

We aren’t able to come out and practice on the public roads whenever we want. Each weekend (weather permitting), the governing body of Sweepstakes secures road permits that allows teams to practice safely without road traffic during Freeroll practices, or “rolls”. The time teams have to practice runs from sunrise to 9AM. However, students really come out even earlier as each buggy has to pass a safety check and each team completes their chores necessary to prepare the course for practice. Outside of these weekend rolls, many teams continue to work on their buggies throughout the week.

Fall 2024 – Spirit’s Seraph travels down the Freeroll during Rolls on September 15, 2024. Credit: Matt Gallabrese

(6) Trisection — Buggy Mechanics

We’re now passing the three way intersection where buggies turn off to the right, back towards Pitt. Now, we’ll also be going over some of the different roles look like from a student’s perspective. First up are the mechanics. The responsibilities for what these people do varies from team to team. Generally they do all of the work to make sure their buggies are maintained in order to roll each weekend, however some mechanics also end up leading major repairs, or own the design and construction of new buggies. Each team has their own schedule for how they perform maintenance or how frequently they build. Some teams build every year, while others build every few years. Some teams, especially when they’re first getting started may even have a “loaner” buggy that they can use to get used to the week-to-week operations before committing to a build of their own.

Fall 2019 – Apex’s Phoenix travels down the Freeroll during Rolls on October 19, 2019. Credit: Ben Matzke
2022 – A CIA mechanic looks at the pushbar of Aurora at Design Comp. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University

(7) Transition Flag — Different Teams

We’re now at the location of the first signal flag that directions drivers across the road. While this sport started out an activity for fraternities, the sport has continued to expand, with a roster of teams split between fraternities, sororities, independent organizations, and even some teams developing robotic buggies. Students have a wide variety of choice when it comes to choosing a team that best fits them. For drivers, this is a literal fit! Each team has a different method for building their buggies, different cultures, and expectations for involvement.

Spring 2018 – Spirit’s Kingpin travels down the Freeroll and approaches the Transition Flag during Truck Weekend on April 15, 2018. Credit: Lou Conley

(8) Chute Flag — Buggy Drivers

We’re now around where the second signal flag is. These flags are essential, since yes, there really is a person inside! The driver is responsible for navigating the buggies around the course. They practice over the course of the year to get well accustomed to their steering and brakes, as well as being able to locate themselves on the course when 2 inches off the ground! They also work to get more comfortable driving faster and improving their racing line.

Fall 2015 – CIA’s Icarus takes the Chute Flag during Rolls on November 7, 2015. Credit: Ben Matzke

(9) Chute Entrance — The Chute Turn

We’re now coming up on one of the most prominent features of the course — the Chute Turn. This section of the course is where both buggies and drivers can show off what they’re capable of! Experienced buggy watchers look for the racing line each driver takes, how cleanly they take it, and how much speed they are able to maintain going up to Hill 3.

2023 – SDC A’s Inferno travels through the Chute in Exhibition Heat 4 on Friday. Credit: Lou Conley

(10) Chute — Safety in the Bylaws

Over time, we have developed an extensive set of regulations to ensure our drivers are safe. There are rules that deal with the construction of the buggy, checking the steering, brakes, and safety anchors. Drivers also must complete training to help them learn about their safety equipment and the course before they ever get on the course. We also limit their speed for the first few times around the course to familiarize themselves with being in a buggy.

2023 – PiKA A’s Banshee travels through the Chute in Women’s Prelims Heat 11. Credit: Guillermo Gomez
Fall 2016 – Apex’s Phoenix is loaded during Rolls on October 16, 2016. Credit: Ben Matzke

(11) Hill 3 — Buggy Pushers

At the end of the chute, we reach the location where the “Back Hills” pushers pick up the buggy and run with it up our second hill. For each team, there are 5 pushers spread out and assigned to the different hills. While originally these pushers were made up of all men, we have slowly introduced other divisions over time. The women’s races began in 1979, and the mixed All Gender division was introduced in 2023. Today, the course records stand at 2:02 for the men’s, 2:23 for the women’s, and 2:36 for the all gender. Pushers get in practice during rolls, not only as a workout, but to train the technical aspect of pushing a vehicle smoothly while running.

Spring 2024 – Spirit’s Kingpin is pushed up Hill 3 during Rolls on March 30, 2024. Credit: Rob Siemborski

(12) Hill 3/4 Transition — Different Hills

We talked earlier about the different hills for each of the 5 pushers. However, while all of these section are uphill, each requires a slightly different skill set in order to be a successful pusher. While for all hills it’s useful to be strong and fast, the hills each have their own character. The first hill, Hill 1 requires explosive power to bring a buggy up to speed and up one of the steepest sections of the course. Hill 2 is about getting the buggy as much energy as possible before the freeroll, but they don’t have to worry as much about pushing uphill or stamina as it’s fairly short and ends with a downhill. Hill 3 is fairly technical, with the most important part being the “pickup” — this is all about matching the speed of the buggy as it starts to roll uphill and maintaining as much speed as possible heading into the back hills. Hill 4 is another steep section and test of endurance, as it’s slightly longer than Hill 1. Hill 5 is a test of pure speed. This hill levels out and is almost a pure sprint for around 150 meters.

Spring 2023 – Spirit’s Mapambazuko is pushed from Hill 3 to Hill 4 during Rolls on March 26, 2023. Credit: Declan Kelly
A Map of the Course

(13) Hill 4/5 Transition — Carnival

All of this training and preparation is done in services of the races themselves, held during Spring Carnival, which runs from Thursday through Saturday. On Thursday, buggies compete in the Design Competition, which seeks to judge a team on their engineering merits when designing and building a buggy. Friday holds the preliminary races — a set of time trials that narrows the field down to the top 10 teams of each division. The finals are then on Saturday, when the teams that advanced to the finals are able to race for the overall top time.

2024 – SigNu A’s Emily Fan shoves Jaeger to Zoe Hausner at the Hill 4-5 Transition in Women’s Heat 5. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University
2024 – DG A accepts its 6th Place Women’s trophy at Awards Ceremony. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University
2024 – Robobuggy accepts its 3rd Place in Design Competition for Short Circuit at Awards Ceremony. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University

(14) Finish Line — Conclusions

We’ve arrived at the finish line! You’ve officially walked the entire length of our buggy course. To put that in perspective, the current men’s course record stands at 2:02, and the women’s at 2:23. Thanks for coming on this tour and being interested in learning about Buggy. If you still want to learn more, the BAA serves as a great resource for historical data, current news, and ways to support the sport.

2024 – Apex C’s Riona Duncan pushes Scorch across the Finish Line in Women’s Heat 2. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University
2018 Fringe Men’s B crosses the finish line